Tuesday 31 January 2017

Chemistry MCQ 001

Chemistry MCQ 001

1. Biogas is obtained during
(A) decomposition of petrol
(B) fermentation of animal and plant waste
(C) destructive distillation of coal
(D) electrolysis of water

2. Which of the following is used in fuel to propel rockets?
(A) Petrol
(B) Kerosene
(C) Hydrazine
(D) Alcohol

3. Coke is a substance obtained
(A) from coal mines
(B) when wood is burnt in excess of air
(C) by heating coal out of contact with air
(D) by heating wood out to contact with air

4. Smelling salt contains
(A) ammonium chloride
(B) ammonium carbonate
(C) ammonium sulphate
(D) potassium nitrate

5. Which of the following acts both as oxidising and reducing agent?
(A) nitric acid
(B) ammonia
(C) nitrous acid   
(D) nitrogen peroxide

6. Compounds of nitrogen with metals are called
(A) nitrates
(B) nitrites
(C) hyponitrates
(D) nitrides

7. Laughing gas is
(A) nitric oxide
(B) nitrogen peroxide
(C) nitrogen pentoxide
(D) nitrous oxide

8. Heated saw dust catches fire when a drop of concentrated nitric acid is added to it. This is due to
(A) dehydration
(B) oxidation
(C) reduction   
(D) dehydrogenation

9. Nitrous oxide used as anaesthetic is usually mixed with
(A) ethyl alcohol
(B) chloroform
(C) oxygen
(D) methyl alcohol

10. The earliest name given to nitrogen was
(A) dephlogisticated air
(B) azote
(C) inflammable air
(D) marine acid air


1. B
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. B
9. C
10. B


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