Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Aryabhatta: Great Mathematician

Aryabhatta: Great Mathematician

Aryabhatta was born in 476CE in Patliputra in Magadha, (modern Patna) in Bihar. He was the great mathematician-astronomer from the classical age of Indian mathematics and Indian astronomy. He is the man who invented “0” and helped the world solving its many issues. It is believed that Aryabhatta was born in region between Narmada and Godavri of central India. But exactly nothing is known about his birth place.

According to some researches and studies it was found that at some point of time, Aryabhatta went to Kusumapura for advanced studies and lived there. He studied both Hindu as well as Buddhist tradition there. It is believed that Aryabhatta might have been the head of the Nalanda University, as it had an astronomical observatory at the time. Aryabhatta set up an observatory at the Sun temple in Taregana, Bihar.

Foreign Words and Phrases

Foreign Words and Phrases

( A )
ab initio (L.)—From the beginning
ab origine (L.)—From the origin
addenda (L.)—Things to be added; list of additions
ad finem (L.)—To the end
ad hoc. (L)—To or with respect to this (object); elected or appointed for a definite work (as a school board for education)
ad infinitum. (L.)—To infinity
ad rem. (L.)—To the purpose; to the point.
ad valorem (L.)—According to the value
affaire d’amour (F.)—A love affair
Agnus Dei (L.)—Lamb of God.
a la carte (F.)—According to the bill of fare.
a la mode (F.)—According to the custom (or fashion)
al fresco (It.)—In the open air
alter ego (L.)—Another self
a merveille (F.)—Admirably; marvelously

Scientific Terms

Scientific Terms

  • Absolute Zero: On the temperature scale is the lowest temperature theoretically possible. The theoretical point is equivalent to— 459•6ºF or—273•16º at which all molecular motion stops.
  • Acupuncture: It is an ancient technique, very much in vogue in China, of deadening pain. It is claimed that by the use of acupuncture major surgical operations can be performed without anaesthesia. The underlying principle is that there are several points in the body at which if needles are struck, a numbing effect is produced.
  • Allometry: It denotes the relationship between the growth rates of an individual plant part/or an organ/or organism.
  • Allotropy: Existence of a chemical element in two or more forms differing in physical properties but giving rise to identical chemical compounds.
  • Allelopathy: Also known as antibiosis of allelochemical interaction, which has direct or indirect inhibitory influence of one plant species or others and V/s.
  • Anabolism: Building up of complex substances from simple ones in living tissues. It is a part of the process of metabolism.
  • Anaesthetics: Drugs causing unconsciousness such as chloroform.