Friday, 3 February 2017

Human Anatomy: Human Body Systems

Human Anatomy: Human Body Systems

About The Human Body

The human body is defined as the entire structure of a human being and comprises a head, neck, trunk (which includes the thorax and abdomen), arms and hands, legs and feet. Every part of the body is composed of various types of cells, the fundamental unit of life. The study of the human body involves anatomy and physiology. Human anatomy is primarily the scientific study of the morphology of the human body. Human physiology is the science of the mechanical, physical, bio-electrical, and biochemical functions of humans in good health, their organs, and the cells of which they are composed.

Scientific Instruments

Scientific Instruments

  • Device: Quantity measured
  • chronometer: time
  • rain gauge: measuring of rain
  • accelerometer: physical, accelerations
  • actinometer: heating power of sunlight
  • alcoholmeter: alcoholic strength of liquids
  • altimeter: altitudes
  • ammeter: electric current
  • anemometer: windspeed
  • audiometer: hearing
  • dosimeter: radiation of item
  • barkometer: tanning liquors used in tanning leather
  • barometer: air pressure

Miscellaneous GK

Miscellaneous GK
  1. Hydrogen is the first element on the periodic table. It has an atomic number of 1. It is highly flammable and is the most common element found in our universe.
  2. Liquid nitrogen boils at 77 kelvin (-196 °C, -321 °F).
  3. Around 1% of the sun?s mass is oxygen.
  4. Helium is lighter than the air around us so it floats, that’s why it is perfect for the balloons you get at parties. More helium facts.
  5. Carbon comes in a number of different forms (allotropes), these include diamond, graphite and impure forms such as coal.
  6. Although it is still debated, it is largely recognized that the word ‘chemistry’ comes from an Egyptian word meaning ‘earth’.

इतिहास GK (History GK)-002

इतिहास GK (History GK)-002

1. राणा सांग के नाम से किसे सम्बोधित किया जाता था। 
उत्तर : संग्राम सिंह को
2. बहमनी सल्तनत का आखिरी सुल्तान कौन था। 
उत्तर : कलीमुल्ला शाह
3. राजधानी विजयनगर किस नदी पर स्थित थी। 
उत्तर : तुंगभद्रा
4. विजयनगर के नरेशों का पुर्तगालियों से संघर्ष कितनी बार हुआ। 
उत्तर :- एक बार भी नहीं
5. अकबर द्वारा पराजित किया जाने वाला मेवाड़ का पहला महाराणा था। 
उत्तर :- राणा उदयसिंह
6. मुगल काल में शासन व्यवस्था में महालेखा-परीक्षक को किस नाम से जाना जाता था। 
उत्तर :- मुस्तौफी

Literature based GK

Literature based GK

1. The epigraph of The Waste Land is borrowed from—
(A) Virgil
(B) Petronius
(C) Seneca
(D) Homer
Ans: (D)

2. Who called The Waste Land ‘a music of ideas’ ?
(A) Allen Tate
(B) J. C. Ransom
(C) I. A. Richards
(D) F. R. Leavis
Ans: (A)

Chemistry Facts

Chemistry Facts
  • Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe, while oxygen is the most abundant element in the earth's atmosphere, crust, and oceans (about 49.5%).
  • The rarest naturally-occurring element in the earth's crust may be astatine. The entire crust appears to contain about 28 g of the element.
  • Hydrofluoric acid is so corrosive that it will dissolve glass. Although it is corrosive, hydrofluoric acid is considered to be a 'weak acid'.
  • One bucket full of water contains more atoms than there are bucketfuls of water in the Atlantic ocean.
  • Approximately 20% of the oxygen in the atmosphere was produced by the Amazon rainforest.
  • Helium balloons float because helium is lighter than air.
  • Bee stings are acidic while wasp stings are alkaline.

Miscellaneous Human Body Facts

Miscellaneous Human Body Facts
1. The average person expels flatulence 14 times each day.
2. It’s impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.
3. It’s nearly impossible to tickle yourself.
4. Laughing and coughing creates more pressure on the spine than walking or standing.
5. Like fingerprints, every person has a unique tongue print.
6. A pair of feet have 500,000 sweat glands and can produce more than a pint of sweat a day.
7. A person can expect to breathe in about 45 pounds of dust over his/her lifetime.
8. A person can live without food for about a month, but only a week without water.
9. A person growth like being tall or short is not determined only by the genes. Growth hormone also is responsible for it.
10. 10% of human dry weight comes from bacteria.

Human Finger and Toenail Facts

Human Finger and Toenail Facts
1. After death, the body starts to dry out creating an illusion that the nails and hairs are growing even after death.
2. Nails and corneas are the only two tissues in the body that do not receive oxygen from blood.
3. The length of the finger indicates how fast the nail grows. The nail of the middle finger grows faster than others.
4. Fingernails contain keratin and they seem to be strongest component in the human body.
5. Fingernails grow fastest on the hand that you write with and on the longest fingers. On average, nails grow about one-tenth of an inch each month.
6. Fingernails grow nearly 4 times faster than toenails.

Human Eyes Facts

Human Eyes Facts
1. The human eye cannot perceive a motionless image.
2. Humans are the only animals to produce emotional tears.
3. The human eye contains five to seven million receptors for color perception.
4. The human eye contains structures called Rods and cones. Rods register the shapes of images and respond to low levels of light and Cones responds to bright lights and registers the color of images.
5. The human eye has 110-130 million receptors to perceive light.
6. The Human eye is the only multi-focus lens in the world which can adjust in 2 milliseconds.
7. The human eyeball is 24.5 mm long.
8. Women blink nearly twice as much as men.
9. Human eyes are the fastest moving body part.
10. There are around 1,200,000 optic fibers in the human eye.
11. There are 137 million light sensitive cells in the eye’s retina and the fluid that fills the eye is changed 15 times a day.

Blood and the Heart Facts

Blood and the Heart Facts
1. The aorta, the largest artery in the body, is almost the diameter of a garden hose.
2. Capillaries are so small that it takes ten of them to equal the thickness of a human hair.
3. A red blood cell can circumnavigate your body in under 20 seconds.
4. A drop of blood contains 250 million cells.
5. A healthy liver processes 720 liters of blood per day.
6. A heartbeat is the sound produced by the closure of valves of the heart when the blood is pushed through its chamber.
7. A simple, moderately severe sunburn damages the blood vessels extensively.
8. A square inch of skin consists of three yards of blood vessel.
9. An adult human body contains five to six quarts of blood and an infant has about one quart of blood.
10. All the blood in our body passes 400 times through each kidney per day.
11. Arterial blood contains a lot of oxygen and nutrients for the body whereas venous blood contains low oxygen level and nutrients.

Baby Facts

Baby Facts
1. A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.
2. A baby is born without kneecaps. They appear between age 2 and 6.
3. A baby’s head is one-quarter of it’s total length, but by age 25 will only be one-eighth of its total length.
4. A New born baby loses about half of its nerve cells before it is born.
5. A newborn baby has more than 26 billion cells.
6. A newborn babys brain grows almost 3 times as fast during the first year of life.
7. At just 12 weeks the human fetus can scowl and squint.
8. Babies are always born with blue eyes.
9. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood the number is reduced to 206.
10. Babies are born with pink lungs but they darken in color as we breathe in polluted air.
11. Babies are color blind when they are born, so they only see black and white.

Human Hair Facts

Human Hair Facts
1. Blonds have more hair.
2. 80 head hairs are likely to fall every day.
3. A hair grows by 0.3 to 0.5 mm per day, 1 to 1.5 cm per month and 12 to 15 cm per year.
4. Human hair is made up of a body protein called keratin and it grows out of an opening of the skin called Follicle.
5. Human hair is virtually indestructible.
6. In a lifetime, a human being will grow around six feet of nose hair.
7. A single hair has the ability to support up to 100 grams of weight and the whole head of hair has the ability to support up to 12 tons of weight.
8. Beards are the fastest growing hairs on the human body. If the average man never trimmed his beard, it would grow to nearly 30 feet long in his lifetime.
9. Women’s hair is about half the diameter of men’s hair.
10. Straight hair lies flat because it is round and grows out of round follicles.

Sleep and Dreaming Facts

Sleep and Dreaming Facts
1. You have no sense of smell when you’re sleeping.
2. You burn more calories while sleeping than you do when watching television.
3. Sleeping less than 7 hours each night reduces your life expectancy.
4. The colder the room you sleep in, the better the chances are that you’ll have a bad dream.
5. Babies start dreaming even before they’re born.
6. The three things pregnant women dream most of during their first trimester are frogs, worms and potted plants.
7. Scientists say the higher your I.Q. the more you dream.
8. You can go without eating for weeks without succumbing, but eleven days is tops for going without sleep.
9. In a year on an average person sleeps for 122 days out of 365 days.

Human Skin Facts

Human Skin Facts
1. Your skin is an organ.
2. A square inch of skin consists of 1300 nerve cells.
3. Your skin is the largest organ in your body; if an adult male’s skin were to be stretched out, it would cover 20 square feet.
4. Most of the dust underneath your bed is actually your own dead skin.
5. About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home.
6. Human skin cells multiply every second to replace the worn ones.
7. Human skin contains 45 miles of nerves.
8. Humans have shed around 40 pounds of skin in their lifetime.
9. Skin can now be artificially grown. One amazing result of this is that the skin from one hand could be grown into enough to cover six football pitches.
10. Depending on the area of the human body, the thickness of the skin varies from 1/2 to 6 mm.

Human Organs Facts

Human Organs Facts
1. Your stomach manufactures a new lining every three days to avoid digesting itself.
2. 1 in 10,000 people have their internal organs reversed or “mirrored” from their normal positions.
3. A human lung contains about 700 million alveoli.
4. The human gut contains about 1kg (2.2 lbs) of bacteria.
5. The human Liver consists of 100,000 tiny clusters called lobules.
6. The human liver performs 500 different functions.
7. The largest internal organ is the small intestine.
8. Each lung contains 300-350 million respiratory units called alveoli.
9. When you blush, your stomach lining also reddens.
10. Why doesn’t your stomach digest itself? That’s because your stomach cells are created faster than they can be destroyed.
11. You could remove a large part of your internal organs and survive.

Body Fat Facts

Body Fat Facts
1. Body fat is not particularly hazardous to health until the level of total body fat reaches 35% for men and 40% for women.
2. Eating Breakfast helps to burn 5 to 20% of calories throughout the day.
3. An average human body contains enough amount of fat to make seven bars of soap.
4. Central obesity or apple shape of the body and insulin resistance is the main reason for diabetes increase in Indians
5. Women burn fat more slowly than men, by a rate of about 50 calories a day.
6. Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour.
7. During your lifetime, you’ll eat about 60,000 pounds of food, that’s the weight of about 6 elephants!
8. Every time you lick a stamp, you’re consuming 1/10 of a calorie.

Human Nose and Smelling Facts

Human Nose and Smelling Facts
1. Our nose is our personal air-conditioning system: it warms cold air, cools hot air and filters impurities.
2. Your nose can remember 50,000 different scents.
3. The nerve cells present in the nose, allows us to smell and regenerates through out ones life.
4. We breathe 13 pints of air every minute.
5. Your eyes are always the same size from birth but your nose and ears never stop growing.
6. Children have better sense of smell than adults.
7. You breathe in about 7 quarts of air every minute.
8. Women have better sense of smell than men.

Human Ears and Hearing Facts

Human Ears and Hearing Facts

1. Earwax production is necessary for good ear health.
2. The inner ear is the main organ of balance.
3. A human ear contains about 24,000 fibers in it.
4. It only takes 7 pounds of pressure to rip your ear off.
5. The human ear can distinguish between hundreds of thousands of different sounds.
6. The human ears can hear in the frequency of 1,000 to 50,000 hertz.
7. Your ears never stop hearing, even when you sleep. Your brain just ignores incoming sounds.
8. Tiny hair cells in your inner ear are what translates sound waves to electricity to send to the brain.
9. Your ears are responsible for the equilibrium and balance of the body - the inner ear has direct connection with the brain.

Human Bones, Joints and Muscles Facts

Human Bones, Joints and Muscles Facts

1. Your bones are composed of 31% water.
2. Your bones, pound for pound, are 4 times stronger than concrete.
3. A muscle called the diaphragm controls the human breathing process.
4. Bone is stronger than some steel.
5. Bones make up only 14% of our weight.
6. At birth we have over 300 bones. As we grow up, some of the bones begin to fuse together as a result an adult has only 206 bones.
7. The muscles of our body constitute 40% of our body weight.
8. The muscles of the eye move more than 100,000 times a day.
9. The muscles that control your eyes contract about 100,000 times a day (that’s the equivalent of giving your legs a workout by walking 50 miles).
10. If you remove the minerals from a bone by soaking it overnight in a six percent solution of hydrochloric acid, it will become so soft, you could tie it in a knot.

Human Brain Facts

Human Brain Facts

1. 80% of the brain is water.
2. An average adult male brain weighs about 1375 grams.
3. A neglected child brain can be substantially smaller than that of a healthy child.
4. A condition called synesthesia can cause senses to overlap. In other words, some people can taste words or hear colors.
5. The right side of the human brain is responsible for self-recognition.
6. Any damage to brain cells cannot be repaired completely.
7. The base of the spinal cord has a cluster of nerves, which are most sensitive.
8. The brain continues to send out electric wave signals until approximately 37 hours after death.
9. The brain is much more active at night than during the day.
10. The brain itself cannot feel pain.

Human Teeth Facts

Human Teeth Facts

1. Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born.
2. The Romans used to clean and whiten their teeth with urine.
3. Brushing your teeth regularly has been shown to prevent heart disease.
4. The tooth is the only part of the human body that cannot heal and repair by its own.
5. Enamel, found on our teeth, is the hardest substance in the human body.
6. Human teeth are almost as hard as rocks.

Country and Capital

Country and Capital

Afghanistan: Kabul
Albania: Tirane
Algeria: Algiers
Andorra: Andorra la Vella
Angola: Luanda
Antigua & Barbuda: Saint John’s
Argentina: Buenos Aires
Armenia: Yerevan
Australia: Canberra
Austria: Vienna
Azerbaijan: Baku