Friday, 27 January 2017

Measures of inflation

Measures of inflation

Reserve Bank governor D Subbarao has said that India needs a new measure of inflation — the producer price index. According to Subbarao, the most widely watched measure of inflation in India, the wholesale price index (WPI), does not include services, which forms a big part of economic activity. Let’s have a look at all the current inflation measures and their shortcomings and what the RBI wants: 

Wholesale Price Index
The WPI is the most widely watched gauge of prices in India, tracking commodity prices at the wholesale level. It has three major components: primary goods, fuel and power index and manufactured goods.

ग्रह और उपग्रह (Planet and Satellite)

ग्रह और उपग्रह (Planet and Satellite)

1. हमारी सौर प्रणाली में कितने ग्रह हैं?
उत्तर : 8
2. सौर मंडल में सबसे छोटा ग्रह कौनसा है?
उत्तर : बुध 
3. सौर मंडल में सबसे बड़ा ग्रह कौनसा है?
उत्तर : बृहस्पति