Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Glossary of Computer Terms—G

Glossary of Computer Terms—G



GATE ARRAY: A group of standard logic gates that can be interconnected into a complete circuit or system. Also called LOGIC ARRAY.

GATEWAY: As in Common Gateway Interface (CGI). It is a piece of software that allows two items to communicate with each other. They are used to make connections between computers and systems inside that computer.

GENERAL PURPOSE INTERFACE BUS (GPIB): A BUS specification standard (IEEE 488) for controlling peripheral devices.

GIF: (Graphics Interchange Format) A graphics file format that is commonly used on the Internet to provide graphics images in Web pages. All graphic files should remain under 5 kilobytes in size to speed page loading. See JPEG and kbps.

GIGABYTE (GB): 1024 megabytes. Also called gig.

GIGO (GARBAGE IN, GARBAGE OUT): The term describing the output of a computer whose operation or accuracy is faulty.

GLITCH: The cause of an unexpected malfunction.

GOPHER: One of the first commonly used interfaces for the Internet with a format structure and resource for providing information. It was created at the University of Minnesota who’s mascot is the gopher.

GRAPHICS: Schematic drawings, pictures, line drawings, and/or diagrams generated by data entered into a computer via a keyboard or a data base.

GROUPWARE: Software that allows networked individuals to form groups and collaborate on documents, programs, or databases. 
GUI: Graphical User Interface. A system that simplifies selecting computer commands by enabling the user to point to symbols or illustrations (called icons) on the computer screen with a mouse.

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