Sunday 19 February 2017

Computer MCQ 015

Computer MCQ 015

1.     Which of the following groups consist of only output devices?
        (A) Scanner, Printer, Monitor
        (B) Keyboard, Printer, Monitor
        (C) Mouse, Printer, Monitor
        (D) Plotter, Printer, Monitor
        (E) None of these
2.     A(n) ________ contains commands that can be selected.
        (A) pointer
        (B) menu
        (C) icon
        (D) button
        (E) None of these
3.     IT stands for ________
        (A) Information Technology
        (B) Integrated Technology
        (C) Intelligent Technology
        (D) Interesting Technology
        (E) None of these
4.     Sending an e-mail is similar to ________
        (A) picturing an event
        (B) narrating a story
        (C) writing a letter
        (D) creating a drawing
        (E) None of these
5.     A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a ________
        (A) disk
        (B) data
        (C) file
        (D) floppy
        (E) None of these
6.     An error is also known as ________
        (A) bug
        (B) debug
        (C) cursor
        (D) icon
        (E) None of those
7.     A keyboard is this kind of device ________
        (A) black
        (B) input
        (C) output
        (D) word processing
        (E) None of these
8.     Arithmetic operations ________
        (A) involve matching one data item to another to determine if the first item is greater than, equal to or less than the other item
     (B) sort data items according to standard, predefined criteria in ascending order or descending order
        (C) use conditions with operators such as AND, OR, and NOT
        (D) include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
        (E) None of these
9.     Which part of the computer helps to store information?
        (A) Disk drive
        (B) Keyboard
        (C) Monitor
        (D) Printer
        (E) None of these
10.    The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as ________
        (A) pulling
        (B) pushing
        (C) downloading
        (D) transferring
        (E) None of these

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C

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