Friday 20 January 2017

Computer MCQ 004

Computer MCQ 004

1.     Reusable optical storage will typically have the acronym ________.
       (A) CD
       (B) DVD
       (C) ROM
       (D) RW
       (E) None of these

2.     ________ are processed by the computer into information.
       (A) Data
       (B) Numbers
       (C) Alphabets
       (D) Pictures
       (E) None of these

3.     A ________ is an electronic device that processes data, converting it into information.
       (A) computer
       (B) processor
       (C) case
       (D) stylus
       (E) None of these

4.     File extensions are used in order to
       (A) name the file
       (B) ensure the filename is not lost
       (C) identify the file
       (D) identify the file type
       (E) None of these

5.     The most common type of storage devices are
       (A) persistent
       (B) optical
       (C) magnetic
       (D) flash
       (E) None of these

6.     ________ invented the mechanical calculator for adding numbers.
       (A) Charles Babbage
       (B) Newton
       (C) Pascal
       (D) Peano
       (E) EF Codd

7.     A unit of hardware used to monitor computer processing is called
       (A) Terminal
       (B) Console
       (C) CPU
       (D) Server
       (E) Client

8.     Which of these is not a feature of a reentrant procedure?
       (A) Multiple users can share a single copy of a program during the same period.
       (B) The program code can modify itself.
       (C) The local data for each user process must be stored separately.
       (D) The permanent part is the code.
       (E) The temporary part is the pointer back to the calling program and local variables used by that program.

9.     (What is the split-MAC architecture?
       (A) The split-MAC architecture uses MAC addresses to create a forward/filter table and break up broadcast domains.
       (B) The split-MAC architecture uses MAC addresses on the wireless network and IP addresses on the wired network.
       (C) The split-MAC architecture allows the splitting of 802.11 protocol packets between the AP and the controller to allow processing by both devices.
       (D) The split-MAC architecture uses MAC addresses to create a forward/filter table and break up collision domains.
       (E) All of these

10.   In ________ normal form, all non-key fields of data structure are dependent on the whole key
       (A ) First
       (B) Second
       (C) Third
       (D) Fourth
       (E) Fifth


           1. D       2. A       3. A       4. D      5. C
           6. C       7. B       8. B       9. D      10. B


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