Sunday 22 September 2019

Animal and Bird Knowledge-3

Animal and Bird Knowledge-3

1. To which continent are capybaras native?

Answer: South America

2. Which of these words describes mammals, in terms of body heat?

Answer: homeothermic

3. Which animal has the widest hearing range?

Answer: dolphin

4. Field ants take their name from their preferred habitat. True or false?

Answer: True

5. The word turd derives from which language’s word for excrement?

Answer: Middle English

6. How many pups does a gray wolf (Canis lupus) normally give birth to?

Answer: 4–6

7. How many known species of insects are there?

Answer: 1,000,000

8. Akita, a dog, is a national treasure of which country?

Answer: Japan

9. A congregation of rhinoceroses is known as a.

Answer: Crash

10. What are dogs most closely related to?

Answer: wolves

11. The tallest land creature is the.

Answer: giraffe

12. How many kinds of snakes are there?

Answer: 2900

13. Which of these is found in carnivorous animals?

Answer: carnassial

14. Where are most chameleons found in nature?

Answer: tropics

15. What is the mammal with the longest tongue, relative to its size?

Answer: nectar bat

16. What is the name for an insect’s egg-laying organ?

Answer: ovipositor

17. What kind of animal is a stallion?

Answer: horse

18. Ants can be used to predict the weather. True or false?

Answer: True

19. Which animal uses a cloud of excrement to distract predators, much as a squid uses ink?

Answer: Pygmy sperm whale

20. How many cubs does a tiger (Panthera tigris) typically give birth to?

Answer: 2–4

21. The Norse god Odin rode a magical horse with eight legs. What was the horse’s name?

Answer: Sleipnir

22. A group of hyenas is known as a.

Answer: Cackle

23. Which of these is another name for the panda?

Answer: catbear

24. How many bones does a dog have in its spine?

Answer: 27

25. In what geological period did birds evolve?

Answer: Jurassic

26. Snails are called gastropods. True or false?

Answer: True

27. How do male dance flies entice prospective mates?

Answer: By presenting them with packages of food

28. What is the largest number of eggs an American toad (Anaxyrus americanus) can typically lay?

Answer: 20,000

29. On average, how many babies are in a capybara litter?

Answer: 4 or 5

30. About which horse did Jimmy Driftwood write a song, popularized first by Eddy Arnold and later by the Nitty Gritty Dirt Band?

Answer: Tennessee Stud

31. In some parts of the world, mysterious deaths of which creatures threaten agriculture?

Answer: bees

32. How many breeds of dogs are there?

Answer: 400
33. What animal is an ancestor of domesticated cattle?
Answer: the aurochs
34. How many baby kangaroos are usually born at a time to a single mother?
Answer: 1
35. Saltwater snails give birth to live snails. True or false?
Answer: False
36. In which bird species will a homosexual male pair “adopt” a female and raise offspring with her?
Answer: Greylag goose
37. What is the largest animal hunted by the leopard?
Answer: Giraffe
38. What is the unique characteristic of animals classed as monotremes, which represent a surviving link between mammals and reptiles?
Answer: They lay eggs
39. What is the name for light produced by living things?
Answer: bioluminesence
40. Where would you find a tuatara?
Answer: New Zealand
41. What is another name for the dog called a German shepherd?
Answer: Alsatian
42. What grows over a turkey’s beak?
Answer: snood
43. Which of these animals swims in an upright position?
Answer: sea horse
44. To which continent are cobras native?
Answer: Asia
45. There are only about 15 species of snail. True or false?
Answer: False
46. What is a hectocotylus?
Answer: The mating arm of a cephalopod
47. What is the largest species of bird taken by the peregrine falcon?
Answer: Sandhill crane
48. What is another name for the Australian kingfisher (known also as the laughing jackass)?
Answer: The kookaburra
49. Which of these animals is the most often used in scientific research?
Answer: fly
50. What is a group of bats called?
Answer: colony
51. Where would you be likely to find a sleeping bat?
Answer: in a cave
52. The viceroy butterfly looks like a monarch butterfly. True or false?
Answer: True
53. Peacock spiders, known for their exotic colors and bizarrely charming mating dances, are native to which country?
Answer: Australia
54. Albatross chicks are up to 300 times heavier than this predator, yet they are at risk from it on Gough Island in the Atlantic.
Answer: Mice
55. Which group of mammals are known by the following names. leaf-nosed, chin leaf, whiskered, and mouse-eared?
Answer: Bats
56. What kind of animal is a kangaroo?
Answer: marsupial
57. How many times more sensitive is a dog’s nose than a human’s?
Answer: 1000
58. Where would you not find parrots in the wild?
Answer: Ireland
59. Where is the largest chameleon found?
Answer: Madagascar
60. Butterflies are abundant in Antarctica. True or false?
Answer: False

6. The feathers once sold commercially as osprey plumes did not come from the osprey at all. From which bird were they taken?

Answer: The egret

62. Where would you not likely find bats?
Answer: Antarctica
63. Which color would you not expect a rattlesnake to be?
Answer: blue
64. Most moths fly only at night. True or false?
Answer: True
65. What kind of animal is a spring peeper?
Answer: Frog
66. To which class of animals does the tortoise belong?
Answer: Reptilia

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