
Sunday 9 September 2018

One-Word Substitution-2

One-Word Substitution-2

1. The life history of a man written by himself — Autobiography
2. A person who believes that there is no God — Atheist
3. A medicine which counteracts the effects of poison — Antidote
4. A person who does something not professionally but for pleasure — Amateur
5. A person residing in a country of which he is not a citizen — Alien
6. That does not bear the name of the writer — Anonymous
7. Government by a ruler who has unlimited power — Autocracy
8. A diplomatic representative of one country in another — Ambassador
9. A traveller in space — Astronaut
10. An assembly of listeners — Audience
11. To give up the throne — Abdicate
12. A medicine which prevents infection by killing germs — Antiseptic
13. The science of vegetable life — Botany
14. The science which treats of life — Biology
15. Government by the officials — Bureaucracy
16. The life history of a man written by someone else — Biography
17. One who has narrow and prejudiced religious views — Bigot
18. Festival of the hundredth anniversary — Centenary
19. The man who can eat human flesh — Cannibal
20. Place for burials other than a churchyard — Cemetery
21. Place for cremating of dead bodies — Crematorium
22. A person who is free from national prejudices — Cosmopolitan
23. People working together in the same office or department — Colleague
24. Belonging to the same time — Contemporary
25. Substance designed to make the skin or hair more beautiful — Cosmetics
26. That can be believed — Credible
27. The state of being unmarried — Celibacy
28. He is an artist that draws comic pictures — Caricaturist
29. A government of the people by the people and for the people — Democracy
30. A battle or a match in which neither party wins — Drawn
31. Want of rain — Drought
32. A disease that spreads over a large area — Epidemic
33. Articles sent from one country to another — Export
34. Which is fit to be eaten — Edible
35. A selfish person who always thinks of himself — Egoist
36. Fit to be chosen — Eligible
37. A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another — Emigrant
38. A speech delivered without previous preparation — Extempore
39. Words inscribed on the graves — Epitaph
40. One who believes in fate — Fatalist
41. Which may cause death — Fatal
42. A man residing in a country of which he is not a citizen — Foreigner
43. A medicine that kills germs — Germicide
44. A person who eats too much — Glutton
45. An office for which no salary is paid — Honorary
46. Killing of a human being specially by another — Homocide
47. That which cannot be read — Illegible
48. A person who comes to one country from another in order to settle there — Immigrant
49. Which cannot be heard — Inaudible
50. Which is difficult to believe — Incredible
51. Which cannot be conquered — Invincible
52. One who can neither read nor write — Illitrate
53. Which cannot be imitated — Inimitable
54. Which cannot be corrected — Incorrigible
55. The killing of new born child — Infanticide
56. That which cannot be repaired — Irreparable
57. Which cannot be removed — Indelible
58. Person unable to pay debts — Insolvent
59. Which cannot be reached — Inaccessible
60. That which is contrary to law — Illegal
61. Capable of catching fire easily — Inflammable
62. One who lacks knowledge — Ignorant
63. One who knows many languages — Linguist
64. Room or building used for scientific experiments — Laboratory
65. Hand written matter — Manuscript
66. Person who is caused to suffer for a great cause — Martyr
67. A person working for money — Mercenary
68. An established principle of practical wisdom — Maxim
69. A place where dead bodies are kept before post mortem — Mortuary
70. A person who hates mankind — Misanthropist
71. Widely known for bad works — Notorious
72. A hollow space in a wall for a statue — Niche
73. Giving of special favour by a person in high position to his relatives — Nepotism
74. Person who eats meat — Non-vegetarian
75. One who is new to a profession — Novice
76. The street is not wide — Narrow
77. A word or custom which is no longer in use — Obsolete
78. A person who looks at the bright side of things — Optimist
79. A child whose parents are dead — Orphan
80. All-powerful — Omnipotent
81. A garden of fruits — Orchard
82. Holding conventional beliefs in matter of religion — Orthodox
83. That which cannot be seen through — Opaque
84. One who is present everywhere — Omnipresent
85. One who knows everything — Omniscient
86. Medical examination of a dead body — Postmortem
87. A person who looks at the dark side of things — Pessimist
88. A remedy for all kinds of diseases — Panacea
89. One who lives on another — Parasite
90. A lover of mankind — Philanthropist
91. One who goes on a journey to a holy place — Pilgrim
92. Child, born after the death of father — Posthumous
93. The practice of having more than one husband at the same time — Polyandry
94. One who collects postage stamps — Philatelist
95. A man who has more than one wife — Polygamist
96. A writer who steal ideas from another — Plagiarist
97. Very exact or scrupulous in the observance of forms of etiquitte, ceremony or behaviour — Punctitious
98. One who has great love for one's country — Patriot
99. One who lives by alone and avoids people — Recluse
100. Killing of one's own self — Suicide
101. One who speaks on behalf of others — Spokesman
102. A thing which is not fresh — Stale
103. One who loads and unloads ships — Stevedore
104. One who abstains completely from alcoholic liquor — Teetotaller
105. Person who believes that there is God — Theist

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