
Sunday 9 September 2018

Animal and Bird Knowledge-2

Animal and Bird Knowledge-2

1. What is the name for a larval fly?

Answer: maggot

2. A cluster of jellyfish is called a.

Answer: Smack

3. What kind of animal is a yak?

Answer: ox

4. Fewer than 10 species of ants are found in India. True or false?

Answer: False

5. The young of some species of which animal produce feces contained inside a sac of mucus, allowing the parents to easily remove the feces from the nest?

Answer: Bird

6. How many kits do least weasels (Mustela nivalis) usually give birth to?

Answer: 1–7

7. How much food does an adult giraffe eat, in kilograms, each day?

Answer: 65

8. What is a newborn bat called?

Answer: pup

9. How many toes does a dog have?

Answer: 5

10. How many body parts does an insect have?

Answer: 3

11. What kind of animal is a grunt?

Answer: Fish

12. What characteristic do all frogs have?

Answer: they are poisonous

13. A flutter is a group of.

Answer: Butterflies

14. What is the name for the family of small birds that can hover?

Answer: hummingbirds

15. How many mice would it take to produce the amount of milk a cow can?

Answer: 6,000

16. How many times is the largest fish larger than the smallest fish?

Answer: 1,800 times

17. To which continent are rattlesnakes native?

Answer: North America

18. What is the name for a two-humped camel?

Answer: Bactrian

19. The most common terrestrial animal is the ant. True or false?

Answer: True

20. Why is whale excrement important to oceanic ecosystems?

Answer: It brings nutrients to surface waters

21. How many eggs does a mallard duck (Anas platyrhynchos) typically lay?

Answer: 1–13

22. What’s the name of a mid-20th-century TV show that featured a talking horse?

Answer: Mr. Ed

23. How many kilograms does a baby elephant typically weigh?

Answer: 90

24. Which insects gang up to kill hives of bees and steal their honey?

Answer: Japanese hornets

25. A bunch of otters is a.

Answer: Romp

26. What is a dog’s front leg called?

Answer: forelimb

27. What is another word for how bats sleep?

Answer: roost

28. What is the name for a group of common and often deadly snakes?

Answer: viper

29. What keeps tree frogs from falling?

Answer: suction cups on their feet

30. On what animal would you find a howdah?

Answer: elephant

31. How many species of vipers are there?

Answer: 200

32. What do carnivores eat?

Answer: animals
33. What do flamingos eat?
Answer: seafood
34. How many legs do insects have?
Answer: 6
35. In which country did pigeon racing begin as a sport?
Answer: Belgium
36. How many meters in length can a reticulated python become?
Answer: 10
37. Which group of birds migrates the farthest when measured by body length?
Answer: hummingbirds
38. Clams are kinds of mollusks called bivalves. True or false?
Answer: True
39. Male grouse and other birds aggregate and compete for the attention of females in groups known as what?
Answer: Leks
40. How many pounds of meat can a tiger eat at once?
Answer: 40–60
41. The graylag, the bean, the brant, and the barnacle are all species of what bird?
Answer: Geese
42. What does the kangaroo excel in?
Answer: jumping
43. What is the largest terrier?
Answer: Airedale
44. Why are many animals brightly colored?
Answer: to attract attention
45. Which of these is not a relative of the wolf?
Answer: takhi
46. What is the world’s longest poisonous snake?
Answer: king cobra
47. Mollusk shells are made of ivory. True or false?
Answer: False
48. What part of her mate’s body does a female sagebrush cricket eat?
Answer: His wings
49. Which animal kicked its way out of a feral Burmese python in the Everglades?
Answer: American alligator
50. Which species of bird is not native to the United States?
Answer: ring-necked pheasant

51. What percentage of its body weight can a Burmese python consume at one time?

Answer: 100

52. Which 19th-century children’s classic by Anna Sewell features a horse?
Answer: Black Beauty
53. On what animal would you be riding if you sat in a howdah?
Answer: Elephant
54. What bird figures on the national flag of Mexico?
Answer: eagle
55. What is the most deadly Australian animal?
Answer: jellyfish
56. What is an animal of the class Aves?
Answer: bird
57. Butterflies have three sets of legs. True or false?
Answer: True
58. What kind of fish is not referred to as scrod?
Answer: Tuna
59. How many pounds of salmon can a grizzly bear eat in a day?
Answer: 80–100
60. The winged horse Pegasus belongs to the mythology of which culture?
Answer: Greek

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