
Friday 17 February 2017

Computer MCQ 001

Computer MCQ 001

1.     Memory, also called random access memory, or RAM, ________ .
       (A) contains the electronic circuits that cause processing to occur.
       (B) makes the information resulting from processing available for use

       (C) allots data, programs, commands, and user responses to be entered into a computer
       (D) consists of electronic components that store data
       (E) None of these

2.     Correcting errors in a program is referred to as________.
       (A) debugging
       (B) bugging
       (C) rectifying
       (D) modifying
       (E) None of these

3.     An assembler is used to translate a program written in ________ .
       (A) a low level language
       (B) machine language
       (C) a high level language
       (D) assembly language
       (E) None of these

4.     The capability of the operating system to enable two or more than two programs to execute simultaneously in a single computer system by using a single processor is ________ .
       (A) Multiprocessing
       (B) Multitasking
       (C) Multiprogramming
       (D) Multiexecution
       (E) None of these

5.     The basic goal of computer process is to convert data into________.
       (A) information
       (B) tables
       (C) files
       (D) graphs
       (E) None of these

6.     A hard copy of a document is ________ .
       (A) stored in the hard disk
       (B) stored on a floppy
       (C) stored on a CD
       (D) printed on the printer
       (E) None of these

7.     Which of the following is not an output device?
       (A) Plotter
       (B) Printer
       (C) Scanner
       (D) Monitor
       (E) None of these

8.     Which keys can be used together with other keys for special tasks?
       (A) Insert, Delete
       (B) Ctrl, Shift
       (C) Left Arrow, Right Arrow
       (D) Page Up, Page Down
       (E) None of these

9.     Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel?
       (A) Programs
       (B) Software
       (C) Hardware
       (D) Output
       (E) None of these

10.  Computers gather data, which means they allow users to ________ data.

       (A) present
       (B) store
       (C) output
       (D) input
       (E) None of these


    1. D           2. A           3. D          4. C            5. A

    6. D           7. C           8. B          9. C           10. D 

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