Wednesday 1 February 2017

Computer Abbreviations—C

Computer Abbreviations—C

CA: Computer architecture
CAD: Computer-Aided Design
CAE: Computer-Aided Engineering
CAID: Computer-Aided Industrial Design
CAI: Computer-Aided Instruction
CAM : Computer-Aided Manufacturing
CAPTCHA: Completely Automated Public Turing Test to tell Computers and Humans Apart
CAT: Computer-Aided Translation
CAQ: Computer-Aided Quality Assurance
CASE: Computer-Aided Software Engineering
cc: C Compiler
CD: Compact Disc
CDE: Common Desktop Environment
CDFS :  Compact Disk File System
CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
CDN: Content Delivery Network
CDP: Continuous Data Protection
CD-R: CD-Recordable
CD-ROM: CD Read-Only Memory
CD-RW: CD-Rewritable
CDSA: Common Data Security Architecture
CERT: Computer Emergency Response Team
CES: Consumer Electronics Show
CF: Compact Flash
CFD: Computational Fluid Dynamics
CFG: Context-Free Grammar
CFG: Control Flow Graph
CG: Computer Graphics
CGA: Color Graphics Array
CGI: Common Gateway Interface
CGI: Computer-Generated Imagery
CGT: Computational Graph Theory
CHAP: Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol
CHS: Cylinder-Head-Sector
CIDR: Classless Inter-Domain Routing
CIFS: Common Internet Filesystem
CIM: Common Information Model
CIM: Computationally Independent Model
CIO: Chief Information Officer
CIR: Committed information rate
CISC: Complex Instruction Set Computer
CJK: Chinese, Japanese, and Korean
CJKV: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Vietnamese
CLI: Command Line Interface
CLR: Common Language Runtime
CM: Configuration Management
CM: Content Management
CMDB: Configuration Management Database
CMMI: Capability Maturity Model Integration
CMOS: Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor
CMS: Content Management System
CN: Canonical Name
CN: Common Name
CNC: Computer Numerical Control
CNG: Cryptographic Next Generation
CNG: Cryptography Next Generation
CNR: Communications and Networking Riser
COBOL: Common Business-Oriented Language
COM: Component Object Model or communication
CORBA: Common Object Request Broker Architecture
COTS: Commercial Off-The-Shelf
CPA: Cell Processor Architecture
CPAN: Comprehensive Perl Archive Network
CP/M: Control Program/Monitor
CPRI: Common Public Radio Interface
CPS: characters per second
CPU: Central Processing Unit
CR: Carriage Return
CRAN: Comprehensive R Archive Network
CRC: Cyclic Redundancy Check
CRLF: Carriage Return Line Feeds
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
CRS: Computer Reservations System
CRT: Cathode Ray Tube
CRUD: Create, Read, Update and Delete
CS: Cable Select
CS: Computer Science
CSE: Computer Science and Engineering
CSI: Common System Interface
CSM: Compatibility Support Module
CSMA/CD: Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection
CSP: Cloud Service Provider
CSP: Communicating Sequential Processes
CSRF: Cross-Site Request Forgery
CSS: Cascading Style Sheets
CSS: Content-Scrambling System
CSS: Closed Source Software
CSS: Cross-Site Scripting
CSV: Comma-Separated Values
CT: Computerized Tomography
CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network
CTCP: Client-To-Client Protocol
CTI: Computer Telephony Integration
CTFE: Compile Time Function Execution
CTL: Computational Tree Logic
CTM: Close To Metal
CTS: Clear To Send
CTSS: Compatible Time-Sharing System
CUA: Common User Access
CVS: Concurrent Versioning System

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