Wednesday 1 February 2017

Computer Abbreviations—A

Computer Abbreviations—A

AAA: Authentication Authorization, Accounting
AABB: Axis Aligned Bounding Box
AAC: Advanced Audio Coding
AAL: ATM Adaptation Layer
AALC: ATM Adaptation Layer Connection
AARP: AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol
ABAC: Attribute-Based Access Control
ABCL: Actor-Based Concurrent Language
ABI: Application Binary Interface
ABM: Asynchronous Balanced Mode
ABR: Area Border Router
ABR: Auto Baud-Rate detection
ABR: Available Bitrate
ABR: Average Bitrate
AC: Acoustic Coupler
AC: Alternating Current
ACD: Automatic Call Distributor
ACE: Advanced Computing Environment
ACID: Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
ACK: ACKnowledgement
ACK: Amsterdam Compiler Kit
ACL: Access Control List
ACL: Active Current Loop
ACM: Association for Computing Machinery
ACME: Automated Classification of Medical Entities
ACP: Airline Control Program
ACPI: Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
ACR: Allowed Cell Rate
ACR: Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio
AD: Active Directory
AD: Administrative Domain
ADC: Analog-to-Digital Converter
ADC: Apple Display Connector
ADB: Apple Desktop Bus
ADCCP: Advanced Data Communications Control Procedures
ADO : ActiveX Data Objects
ADSL: Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line
ADT: Abstract Data Type
AE: Adaptive Equalizer
AES: Advanced Encryption Standard
AF: Anisotropic Filtering
AFP: Apple Filing Protocol
AGP: Accelerated Graphics Port
AH: Active Hub
AI: Artificial Intelligence
AIX: Advanced Interactive eXecutive
Ajax : Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
AL : Active Link
AL : Access List
ALAC: Apple Lossless Audio Codec
ALGOL: Algorithmic Language
ALSA: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture
ALU: Arithmetic and Logical Unit
AM: Access Method
AM: Active Matrix
AMOLED: Active-Matrix Organic Light-Emitting Diode
AM: Active Monitor
AM: Allied Mastercomputer
AM: Amplitude Modulation
AMD: Advanced Micro Devices
AMQP: Advanced Message Queuing Protocol
AMR: Audio Modem Riser
ANN: Artificial Neural Network
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
ANT: Another Neat Tool
AoE: ATA over Ethernet
AOP: Aspect-Oriented Programming
APCI: Application-Layer Protocol Control Information
API: Application Programming Interface
APIC: Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
APIPA: Automatic Private IP Addressing
APL: A Programming Language
APR: Apache Portable Runtime
ARC: Adaptive Replacement Cache
ARC: Advanced RISC Computing
ARIN: American Registry for Internet Numbers
ARM: Advanced RISC Machines
AROS: AROS Research Operating System
ARP: Address Resolution Protocol
ARPA: Address and Routing Parameter Area
ARPA: Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARPANET: Advanced Research Projects Agency Network
AS: Access Server
ASCII: American Standard Code for Information Interchange
AuthIP: Authenticated Internet Protocol
ASET: Automated Security Enhancement Tool
ASG: Abstract Semantic Graph
ASIC: Application-Specific Integrated Circuit
ASIMO: Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility
ASLR: Address Space Layout Randomization
ASM: Algorithmic State Machine
ASMP: Asymmetric Multiprocessing
ASN.1: Abstract Syntax Notation 1
ASP: Active Server Pages
ASP: Application Service Provider
ASR: Asynchronous Signal Routine
AST: Abstract Syntax Tree
ASSP: Application-Specific Standard Product
AT: Advanced Technology
AT: Access Time
AT: Active Terminator
ATA: Advanced Technology Attachment
ATAG: Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines
ATAPI: Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface
ATM: Asynchronous Transfer Mode
AV: Antivirus
AVC: Advanced Video Coding
AVI: Audio Video Interleaved
AWK: Aho Weinberger Kernighan
AWT: Abstract Window Toolkit
AWFL: Acronym With Four Letters

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