Tuesday 31 January 2017

Physics MCQ 001

Physics MCQ 001

1. The planet that is known as earth’s twin is

(A) Mercury

(B) Venus

(C) Moon

(D) Mars

2. The temperature, surface features, length of days and nights of a planet depend on

(A) its atmosphere

(B) its distance from the sun

(C) its rotation

(D) All the above

3. The earth’s nearest neighbour in space is

(A) the Sun

(B) the Moon

(C) the Venus

(D) the Mars

4. The asteroids belt lies between the orbits of

(A) Earth and Mars

(B) Venus and Earth

(C) Mars and Jupiter

(D) Moon and Mars

5. The difference between planets and stars is

(A) planets do not have light of their own whereas stars shine by their own light

(B) planets do not twinkle like stars

(C) planets are much smaller than stars

(D) All the above

6. The planet that has got a well developed set of rings is

(A) Venus

(B) Saturn

(C) Mercury

(D) Earth

7. The rings of Saturn were discovered by

(A) Galileo

(B) Bhaskara

(C) Aryabhatta

(D) Ptolemy

8. The planet that moves fastest around the sun is

(A) Mars

(B) Venus

(C) Earth

(D) Mercury

9. The largest planet in the solar system is

(A) Neptune

(B) Uranus

(C) Jupiter

(D) Saturn

10. The planet that spins faster than any other planet is

(A) Saturn

(B) Jupiter

(C) Earth

(D) Mercury


1. B
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. C
10. B


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