Tuesday 31 January 2017

Computer MCQ 012

Computer MCQ 012

1.     Which of the following displays the contents of active cell?

        (A) Toolbar
        (B) Menubar
        (C) Namebox
        (D) Formula bar
        (E) None of these

2.     .bas, .doc. and . htm are exam­ples of
        (A) Database
        (B) Extension
        (C) Domain
        (D) Protocol
        (E) None of these

3.     Saving is the process
        (A) To copy document from mem­ory to storage medium
        (B) To change the content of any document
        (C) To-change the display or en­tire document
        (D) To develop document by en­tering text using keyboard
        (E) None of these

4.     ________ is the process of imple­menting command
        (A) Fetching
        (B) Storing
        (C) Decoding
        (D) Executing
        (E) None of these

5.     ________ a printed information, ex­ists in real sense and is more permanent from of out put than the output existing on display device.
        (A) Soft copy
        (B) Carbon copy
        (C) Hard copy
        (D) Desk copy
        (E) None of these

6.     Excel stores its document in form of files which is called
        (A) Worksheets
        (B) Workbooks
        (C) Notebooks
        (D) Excel sheets
        (E) None of these

7.    To change hardware components into more powerful or rectified version is called
        (A) Expansion
        (B) Plug and Play
        (C) Upgrading
        (D) Upsizing
        (E) None of these

8.     To combine two or more cells into a single cell is called
        (A) Merging
        (B) Joining
        (C) Sharing
        (D) Splitting
        (E) None of these

9.     Which of the following views is present in power point?
        (A) Document view
        (B) Slidesorter view
        (C) Slidechange rview
        (D) Playsjde view
        (E) None of these

10.   In order to move from one work­sheet to another in excel workbook, one should clik
        (A) Active cell
        (B) Scroll bar
        (C) Sheet tab
        (D) Tab button
        (E) None of these

   1. D           2. B          3. A         4. A           5. C
   6. B           7. C          8. A         9. B         10. C


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