
Wednesday 7 June 2017

GK Questions for all Examination-2

GK Questions for all Examination-2

1. ‘Triple Therapy drug cocktail’ is a medicine to this disease. Which disease?
Answer: AIDS.
2. Which award is known as the Nobel Prize in music?
Answer: Polar Music Prize.
3. Who is the most famous Pole-vaulter of the world?
Answer: Sergey Bubka (Ukraine)
4. After observation of wild life of this island Charles Darwin derived the theory of Evolution. Name this island?
Answer: Galapagos Islands, at distance of 965 km from Ecuador.
5. Which day is celebrated ad ‘World Mother-Tongue Day’?
Answer: February 21.
6. What is the official name of North Korea?
Answer: Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
7. Which country is known as Hermit Kingdom?
Answer: Korea.
8. Which are the official languages of Switzerland?
Answer: German, French and Italian.
9. Which is the biggest city of Washington State?
Answer: Seattle.
10. Who is known as the father of Modern Turkey?
Answer: Kemal Mustafa.
11. Which mathematical engineer of America is known as Father of Information Technology?
Answer: Claude Shannon.
12. Who is the father of Green Revolution?
Answer: Norman Borlaug.
13. Which country’s capital is ‘Bogota’?
Answer: Colombia.
14. International Woman’s Day?
Answer: March 8.
15. World Handicapped Day?
Answer: March 15.
16. World Forest Conservation Day?
Answer: March 21.
17. World Water Conservation Day?
Answer: March 22.
18. World Atmospheric Day?
Answer: March 23.
19. World Tuberculosis Abolishment Day?
Answer: March 24.
20. World Oceanography Day?
Answer: April 5.
21. World Haemophilia Day?
Answer: April 17.
22. World Heritage Day?
Answer: April 18.
23. In which country the first modernized census conducted?
Answer: America.
24. In which yearly book, UNO publishes its census report?
Answer: Demographic yearbook.
25. Which is the purest water of nature?
Answer: Rain water.
26. “Baby is a book. Teacher should study each pages of this book” who said this?
Answer: Rousseau.
27. Who formulated the principle ‘Tech through play’?
Answer: Froebel.
28. Who prepared intelligence test firstly?
Answer: Alfred Binet.
29. Which country’s airline is KLM?
Answer: Holland.
30. Name the pope who had visited most countries?
Answer: John Paul II.
31. What is the name of Australian Airlines?
Answer: Qantas Airways.
32. Which country’s airlines is Druk Air?
Answer: Bhutan.
33. Which woman had controlled space shuttle firstly?
Answer: Eileen Collins.
34. Which woman had walked in space firstly?
Answer: Valentina Tereshkova.
35. Name the oldest man who had gone to space?
Answer: John Glenn.
36. The next day of Christmas commonly known as?
Answer: Boxing day.
37. In which country the barter system has started?
Answer: Europe and South Africa.
38. What is known as ‘Perfume Ball’ in cricket?
Answer: The bounced ball at the height of nose-level of batsman.
39. Who developed the first computer languages BASIC?
Answer: John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz.
40. Father of Zoology?
Answer: Aristotle.
41. Which is the biggest mosque of the world?
Answer: Faisal Mosque, Islamabad.
42. Name the headquarters of INTERPOL?
Answer: Lyon, France.
43. In the production of coconuts in world, which country ranks top?
Answer: Philippines.
44. Which is the largest consumer country of gold?
Answer: India.
45. Name the dance movement of honeybees to inform others about the presence of food?
Answer: Waggle dance.
46. Which star is exploded itself and puts the material into space?
Answer: Supernova.
47. Who derived the first theory on a universe which expands gradually?
Answer: Arthur Eddington.
48. Who was the first woman high court judge of New Zealand?
Answer: Dame Silvia Rose Cartwright.
49. World’s coldest desert Gobi belongs to which country?
Answer: Mongolia.
50. Name the official residence of French President?
Answer: Elysee Palace.

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