Tuesday 30 May 2017

Polity GK-01

Polity GK-01 

1. Where was the first session of the Constituent Assembly held?
Answer: New Delhi
2. Who is the first person to set foot on Moon?
Answer: Neil Armstrong
3. Which was the first talkie film of India?
Answer: Alam Ara
4. Which was the first English ship that came to India?
Answer: Red Dragon
5. Which was the first newspaper to be published in India?
Answer: Bengal Gazette
6. At which one place did Mahatma Gandhi first start his Satyagraha in India?
Answer: Champaran
7. By which ruler was the practice of military governorship first introduced in India?
Answer: Greeks
8. Who was the first person to cross the Alps with army?
Answer: Hannibal
9. The first railway line in India was opened in which year?
Answer: 1853
10. Which metal was first discovered by man?
Answer: Copper
11. From when was the Zero Base Budgeting in India first experimented?
Answer: April, 1987
12. Who was the first Indian woman President of the Indian National Congress?
Answer: Sarojini Naidu
13. During India's Freedom Struggle, which led to the first 'All India Hartal'?
Answer: Protest against Rowlatt Act
14. Which Rajputa king defeated Muhammad Ghori for the first time?
Answer: Prithviraj III
15. Where were first Olympic Games held?
Answer: 776 B.C.
16. In which year was the first no confidence motion moved in the Lok Sabha after independence?
Answer: 1963
17. In which country was Buddhism first propogated outside India?
Answer: Srilanka
18. Who was the first Indian to be honoured with a lifetime achievement Oscar Award?
Answer: Satyajit Roy
19. By whom was Gene first isolated?
Answer: Hargobind Khurana
20. Which was the first woman to climb Mount Everest?
Answer: Junko Tabei
21. By whom was the Bhakti Movement first organised?
Answer: Ramananda
22. Which first Europeans came to India?
Answer: Portuguese
23. When did man first land on moon?
Answer: 1969
24. Which was the first woman Governor of a State in free India?
Answer: Mrs. Sarojini Neidu
25. Who was the first General-Secretary of the Indian National Congress?
Answer: Dadabhai Neoroii
26. Which is the first geostationary telecommunication satellite of India?
Answer: APPLE
27. Which first Indian leader to undergo imprisonment in 1882?
Answer: Vijiaraghavachari
28. What is the duration of proclamation of Financial Emergency?
Answer: At the first instance two months
29. Which was the first metal used by man?
Answer: Copper
30. In which Aryans first settled?
Answer: Punjab
31. The Asian Games were held in Delhi for the first time in which year?
Answer: 1951
32. Who was the first speaker of the Lok Sabha?
Answer: Malgaonkar
33. Who was the first Indian to win the World Amateur Billiards title?
Answer: Wilson Jones
34. Who was the first asian to have received the Nobel Prize?
Answer: R.N. Tagore
35. Who was the first Sultan of Delhi to introduce the practice of ‘Sijda'?
Answer: Balban
36. By whom was Swaraj as a national demand first 'made?
Answer: Dadabhai Naoroji
37. During the Mughal period which trader first came to India?
Answer: English
38. Which God lost his importance as the first deity during the Later Vedic period?
Answer: Varuna
39. Which was the first scholar, who read Ashokan edicts?
Answer: James Princep
40. Which was the first National Security Advisor of India?
Answer: Brajesh Mishra
41. What is the first compound which is fixed during photosynthesis?
Answer: Glucose
42. In India, which first bank of limited liability managed by Indians and founded in 1881?
Answer: Oudh Commercial Bank
43. By whom was first women's university in India was founded?
Answer: Dhondo Keshave Karve
44. Who was the member of the Rajya Sabha when first appointed as the Prime Minister of India?
Answer: Indira Gandhi
45. Which is the first company-managed major port in India?
Answer: Ennore
46. From-which date shall the tenure of every Panchayat be for five years?
Answer: From the date of its first meeting
47. What was the first venture of Gandhiji in all- India politics?
Answer: Rowlatt Satyagraha
48. Which is the first multipurpose river valley project of independent India?
Answer: Damodar Valley Corporation
49. Who was the first Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission of India?
Answer: Shri V. T. Krishnamachari
50. Who was the first Defence Minister of India?
Answer: N. Gopalaswami Ayyangar

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