
Monday 28 June 2021

General Knowledge-5

General Knowledge-5

(1) Who was the Founder Father of Aligarh movement?
Answer: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan.

(2) Who was the founder of Brahma Samaj?
Answer: Raja Ram Mohan Roy.

(3) The Indian National Congress was formed in?
Answer: 1885.

(4) Ruler of Mysore was whom?
Answer: Hyder Ali.

(5) When British Indian Association was founded in India?
Answer: October 29, 1851 at Calcutta.

(6) Who achived the discovery of ‘Vitamin C’?
Answer: James Watson.

(7) Which gas is most popular as laughing gas?
Answer: Nitrous oxide.

(8) To measure the Humidity in air, what instrument used?
Answer: Hygrograph.

(9) What is the best source of Protein?
Answer: Soyabean.

(10) What is the radiant energy of the sun is transmitted?
Answer: Short waves.

(11) The Folded Earth book was written by?
Answer: Anuradha Roy.

(12) Which rays is very helpful in Long distance photography?
Answer: Infra Red rays.

(13) Name of vegetable which is also known as a flower?
Answer: Broccoli.

(14) ‘Foundations of Biology’ concept given by whom?
Answer: Jean Piaget.

(15) Which planet have the ‘Great Red Spot’?
Answer: Jupiter.

(16) What is the full form of NASA?
Answer: The National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

(17) What is the full form of ESA?
Answer: European Space Agency.

(18) Which service is used for sending or receiving mail on the internet?
Answer: Email.

(19) The term known as the electric meeting is what?
Answer: Teleconferencing.

(20) What do you mean by IP address?
Answer: Internet protocol.

(21) What do you mean by modem?
Answer: This is the combined device for modulation and demodulation.

(22) Who set up the dual system of administration in Bengal?
Answer: Robert Clive.

(23) Who give the first call of ‘India for Indians’ for Swarajya?
Answer: Dayanand Saraswati.

(24) Who established a trading post in 1612 at Gujarat?
Answer: British.

(25) What was the year of Regulating Act?
Answer: In 1773.

(26) King Zog ruled which of the country?
Answer: Albania.

(27) What is the staple food of one third of the worlds total population?
Answer: Rice.

(28) Who was the first man into space?
Answer: Yuri Gagarin.

(29) What is the IMF description?
Answer: International Monetary Fund.

(30) Which car company makes the Celica?
Answer: Toyota.

(31) Name the suitable material for purify the water?
Answer: Zeolites.

(32) Who wrote the ‘Man in the Iron Mask’?
Answer: Alexander Dumas.

(33) Who discovered the radium?
Answer: The Curies.

(34) What was the world’s first high level programming language in 1957?

(35) What weapon was invented by Ernest Swinton which used in 1916?
Answer: Tank.

(36) Which planet is commonly known as Dwarf Planet?
Answer: Pluto.

(37) What do you mean by the Solar Wind?
Answer: This is happen when sun release the continuous flow of charged particles and which permeates the solar system.

(38) Which is the second largest moon in our solar system?
Answer: Titan (Saturn moon) is the second largest moon in our solar system.

(39) Mostly which gases found of the planet Jupiter?
Answer: Hydrogen and Helium.

(40) What are the name of Galilean moons?
Answer: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto (moons of Jupiter).

(41) Which galaxy is closest to our galaxy?
Answer: Andromeda galaxy.

(42) What is the age of Earth as calculated?
Answer: Age of Earth is 4.543 billion years.

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