Wednesday 8 March 2017

Animal and Bird Knowledge-1

Animal and Bird Knowledge-1

1. What class of creature has the most species?
Answer: beetle
2. What is the name for a venomous snake that lives in Japan?
Answer: mamushi
3. What kind of animal is a kite?
Answer: Bird
4. What do bats use to control their wings?
Answer: arms and fingers
5. What is the largest monkey?
Answer: mandrill
6. An assembly of owls is referred to as a.
Answer: Parliament
7. All worker ants are male. True or false?
Answer: False
8. Which group of arthropods does not have members that are camouflaged by their resemblance to bird droppings?
Answer: Dragonflies
9. What is the largest number of eggs that a burrowing owl (Athene cunicularia) will typically lay?
Answer: 12
10. Which of the following famous racehorses does not have a biopic?
Answer: War Admiral
11. On what continent did horses evolve?
Answer: North America
12. Why do guinea pigs eat some of their feces?
Answer: To obtain vitamins
13. Are capybaras herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores?
Answer: herbivores
14. How many basic groups of amphibians are there?
Answer: 3
15. What kind of animal is a gribble?
Answer: Crustacean
16. A group of crows is called a.
Answer: Murder
17. Ants cannot live in wet climates. True or false?
Answer: False
18. Why do baby elephants eat their mothers’ droppings?
Answer: To ingest essential gut flora
19. What is the largest number of eggs a bobwhite quail (Colinus virginianus) can lay?
Answer: 28
20. The Lone Ranger’s Potawatomi sidekick, Tonto, had a horse named what?
Answer: Scout
21. What kind of animal is a silverside?
Answer: Fish
22. Dogs can hear up to what frequency (in cycles per second)?
Answer: 50000
23. What are newborn crickets called?
Answer: nymphs
24. What do adult frogs and toads lack?
Answer: tail
25. Caterpillars have no exoskeleton. True or false?
Answer: False
26. What are fossilized feces called?
Answer: Coprolites
27. What is the largest number of eggs a green iguana (Iguana iguana) may lay?
Answer: 30
28. A mustang known as Comanche was the mount of which well-known commander?
Answer: George Custer
29. How many kilograms can an adult giant panda weigh?
Answer: 113
30. What organ do snakes use to help them taste and smell?
Answer: Jacobson’s organ 
31. Where would you not expect to find a viper?

Answer: Antarctica

32. Which insect lays its eggs in the living body of its victims?

Answer: cicada killer wasp

33. What is the smallest breed of dog?
Answer: chihuahua
34. What mammal has killed the most humans?
Answer: rat
35. A quetzal is a kind of.
Answer: bird
36. Most snails and slugs are very small. True or false?
Answer: True
37. The males of which group of birds are known for creating elaborately decorated structures in order to entice mates?
Answer: Bowerbirds
38. How many pounds of meat is a large male lion capable of eating in one sitting?
Answer: 100
39. What’s the name of Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee’s best-known horse?
Answer: Traveller
40. What is the name for a baby koala?
Answer: joey
41. A group of which animals is referred to as a wake?
Answer: Vultures
42. Which is the smallest living bird?
Answer: bee hummingbird
43. Which of these animals is related to the ant?
Answer: wasp
44. What was the first animal that humans domesticated for food?
Answer: the goat
45. What is the hardest tissue in a mammal’s body?
Answer: enamel
46. Snails and slugs are related. True or false?
Answer: True
47. What is the name of the evolutionary phenomenon that accounts for the massive tails of peacocks?
Answer: Sexual selection
48. How much of its body weight can a Nile crocodile eat?
Answer: Half
49. What is the only living bird with two toes on each foot?
Answer: Ostrich
50. What is the name for the wild dog of Australia?

Answer: dingo

51. What kind of animal is a gourami?

Answer: Fish

52. Which large animal is the orca least successful at hunting?
Answer: Blue whale
53. To what special category do the following hunting dogs belong. Afghan, beagle, and whippet?
Answer: Hounds
54. What is the strongest animal based on the ratio of work it can do to its own size?
Answer: beetle
55. What feature do adult platypuses lack?
Answer: teeth
56. What do most bats eat?
Answer: insects
57. What is the most notable feature of a pelican?
Answer: bill
58. About how many species of bats are there?
Answer: 1000
59. Monarch butterflies like milkweed. True or false?
Answer: True
60. What kind of animal is a bongo?
Answer: Antelope

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