
Monday 13 February 2017

Physics MCQ 002

Physics MCQ 002

1. When a particle in motion is acted upon by a force in a direction perpendicular to the direction of motion, the path followed by the particle will be

(A) a straight line

(B) an ellipse

(C) a circle

(D) a parabola

2. When a body is taken to the poles from the equator, its weight becomes

(A) greater

(B) less

(C) the same

(D) None of these

3. When a body is projected upwards

(A) the time for the upward journey and downward journey are the same

(B) the upward journey takes more time

(C) the downward journey takes more time

(D) Cann’t be said

4. Frictional force acts in

(A) the same direction as the motion

(B) the opposite direction of the motion

(C) all the directions

(D) upward direction

5. The force that keeps a body in a circular motion is called

(A) the centripetal force

(B) the centrifugal force

(C) the frictional force

(D) All the above

6. The earth satellite Aryabhatta was put in orbit by India on

(A) October 20, 1978

(B) November 14, 1978

(C) January 26, 1979

(D) April 19, 1975

7. The minimum velocity required by a satellite to escape earth’s gravitational pull is

(A) 18 km/s

(B) 11.2 km /s

(C) 21 km/s

(D) 35 km/s

8. When a satellite is in a geostationary orbit the force keeping it in orbit is

(A) zero

(B) the centrifugal force

(C) reaction due to steady burning of fuel

(D) the gravitational pull on the body by the earth ie the weight of the body which provides the centripetal force

9. The period of a geostationary (synchronous) satellite orbiting the earth over the equator is

(A) 16 hours

(B) 12 hours

(C) 20 hours

(D) 24 hours

10. The escape velocity of a satellite projected from the surface of the earth is independent of

(A) the mass of earth

(B) the mass of the satellite

(C) the radius of the earth

(D) gravitation of the earth

1. D

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. D

9. D

10. B


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