
Friday 3 February 2017

Human Skin Facts

Human Skin Facts
1. Your skin is an organ.
2. A square inch of skin consists of 1300 nerve cells.
3. Your skin is the largest organ in your body; if an adult male’s skin were to be stretched out, it would cover 20 square feet.
4. Most of the dust underneath your bed is actually your own dead skin.
5. About 32 million bacteria call every inch of your skin home.
6. Human skin cells multiply every second to replace the worn ones.
7. Human skin contains 45 miles of nerves.
8. Humans have shed around 40 pounds of skin in their lifetime.
9. Skin can now be artificially grown. One amazing result of this is that the skin from one hand could be grown into enough to cover six football pitches.
10. Depending on the area of the human body, the thickness of the skin varies from 1/2 to 6 mm.
11. In one square inch of skin there are 4 yards of nerve fibers.
12. In one square inch of skin, there are 3 million cells.
13. Each person sheds 22 kilograms of skin in his or her lifetime.
14. The weight of skin in a human adult is 8 to 10 pounds.
15. Every minute 30,000 to 40,000 dead skin cells fall from our body.
16. Every square inch of skin on the human body has about 32 million bacteria on it, fortunately, the vast majority of them are harmless.
17. Humans shed about 600,000 particles of skin every hour - about 1.5 pounds a year. By 70 years of age, an average person will have lost 105 pounds of skin.
18. Humans shed and regrow outer skin cells about every 27 days.
19. Melanin, a pigment present in the skin is responsible for the color of the skin in a person.
20. One square inch of human skin contains 625 sweat glands.
21. Over the course of your lifetime, you’ll shed about 40lbs of skin.
22. People with dark color skin wrinkle later than people having light color skins.
23. Human skin sheds and re-grows after every 27 days.

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