
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Glossary of Computer Terms—U

Glossary of Computer Terms—U


ULTRA-BOOK: An Ultra Book is higher end type of Sub Note Book defined by INTEL.

UNFORMATTED (UNINITIALIZED) DISK: A blank magnetic disk with no track/sector identification recorded on it that allows users to implement their own track/sector identifications.

UNIX: This is an operating system developed by AT&T. It’s big push it that it allows one server to service many different end users at one time.

UPLOAD: The process of transferring information from a computer to a web site (or other remote location on a network) and To transfer information from a computer to a web site (or other remote location on a network).

UPS: Universal Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Supply. An electrical power supply that includes a battery to provide enough power to a computer during an outage to back-up data and properly shut down.

URL: Uniform Resource Locator.

      1. The protocol for identifying a document on the Web.

      2. A Web address (e.g.,

      A URL is unique to each user. See also domain.

USB: Universal Serial Bus. An industry standard for connecting different compatible peripheral devices across multiple platforms. Devices include printers, digital cameras, scanners, game pads, joysticks, keyboards and mice, and storage devices.

USER-FRIENDLY PROGRAM: A software program that has been designed to easily direct the user through the operation or application of a program. A menu-driven program is considered to be “user-friendly”.

USENET: Another name for Internet Newsgroups. A distributed bulletin board system running on news servers, Unix hosts, on-line services and bulletin board systems. Collectively, all the users who post and read articles to newsgroups. The Usenet is international in scope and is the largest decentralized information utility. The Usenet includes government agencies, universities, high schools, organizations of all sizes as well as millions of stand-alone PCs.

USER: Someone attached to a server or host. 
UTILITY: A software program designed to perform a computer system’s routine housekeeping functions, like copying, deleting files, and/or providing techniques to simplify the execution of a program.

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