
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Glossary of Computer Terms—N

Glossary of Computer Terms—N


NACS: Stands for Netware Asynchronous Communication Services.

NEGATIVE LOGIC: This term refers to logic in which the negative voltage represents the “1” state and the zero voltage represents the “0” state.


NESTING: Embedding commands or data in levels of other data so that specific routines or instructions can be executed or accessed continuously in loops, without returning to the main program.

NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR: Currently the dominant World Wide Web browser. Information on the latest version of the browser can be found at

NETWORK ADAPTER: This is the hardware that allows the computers that are part of a network to communicate with each other.

NETWORK: A system of interconnected computers.

NEWBIE: Someone who is new to the Internet. You cease to be a newbie almost AS SOON AS YOU LEARN TO STOP TYPING IN ALL CAPS (which is considered shouting and in very poor taste).

NIBBLE: A sequence of four adjacent bits, or a half-byte. A hexadecimal or BCD coded digit can be represented by a nibble.

NODE: The endpoint of a network branch or the junction of two or more branches. 
NON-VOLATILE MEMORY: A memory where stored data remains undisturbed by the removal of electrical power.

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