
Friday 17 February 2017

Financial and Economic Acronyms 001

Banking and Economics Abbreviation
2FA: Two Factor Authentication
A & AS: Account & audit section
AAPI: American Association of Physician of Indian Origin
ABS: Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
ACF: Auto-Correlation Function
ACLF: Additional Collateralised Lending Facility
ACU: Asian Clearing Union
ADB: Asian Development Bank
ADR: American Depository Receipt
AFS: Annual Financial Statement
AIDBs: All India Development Banks
AIFIs: All India Financial Institutions
AIRCSC: All India Rural Credit Survey Committee
ALM: Asset Liability Management
AMC: Asset Management Company
ANBC: Adjusted Net Bank Credit
ANSI: American National Standards Institute
APACS: Association of Payment and Clearing Services
APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Corporation
APL: Above Poverty Line
APSFC: Andhra Pradesh State Financial Corporation
ARCIL: Asset Reconstruction Company of India Limited
ARCs: Asset Reconstruction Companies
ARIMA: Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average
ASBA: Application Supported by Blocked Amount
ASEAN: Association of South East Asian Nation
ASHA: Accredited Social Health Activist
ATM: Automated Teller Machine
ATS: Automatic Transfer Service
ATTAC: Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens

BACS: Bankers Automated Clearing System
BC: Business Correspondent
BCBS: Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
BCMSs: Baroda Cash Management System
BCP: Branch Credit Plan
BFS: Board of Financial Supervision
BIFR: Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BIS: Bank for International Settlements
BLBC: Block-Level Bankers Committee
BO: Banking Ombudsman
BOD: Board of Directors
BOP: Balance of Payments
BPC: Benefits Processing Corp
BPL: Below Poverty Line
BPLR: Benchmark Prime Lending Rate
BPM5: Balance of Payments Manual, 5th edition
BPO: Business Processes Outsourcing
BPSD: Balance of Payments Division,
BR: Base Rate
BRA: Banking Regulation Act
BRICS: Brazil Russia India China South Africa
BSR: Basic Statistical Returns

CAAP: Capital Adequacy Assessment Process
CAAP: Commission for Agricultural Cost and Prices
CAD: Capital Account Deficit
CADPp: Command Area Development Pro-gramme
CAG: Comptroller and Auditor General
CAMELS: Capital, Assets, Management, Earnings, Liquidity, and System and Control
CAR: Capital Adequacy Ratio
CARL: Credit Analysis & Research Limited
CASA: Current and Saving Account
CBLOo: Collateralised Borrowing And Lending Obligations
CBN: Core Banking Network
CBS: Consolidated Banking Statistics India
CBS: Core Banking Solution
CBT: Computer Based Terminal
CC: Cash Credit
CCEA: Cabinet Committee on Economic Affair
CCF: Credit Conversion Factor
CCI: Competition Commission of India
CCIL: Clearing Corporation of India Limited
CCO: Chief Credit Officer
CD: Certificate of Deposit
CD: Ratio Credit Deposit Ratio
CDBS: Committee of Direction on Banking Statistics
CDR: Corporate Debt Restructuring
CDS: Credit Default Swaps
CED: Centre for Entrepreneurship Development
CEO: Chief Executive Officer
CF: Company Finance.
CFMS: Centralised Funds Management System
CFO: Chief Finance Officer
CFRA: Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts
CFS: Committee on the Financial System
CFS: Consolidated Financial Statements
CGRA: Currency and Gold Revaluation Account
CHAPS: Clearing House Automated Payment System
CHIPS: Clearinghouse Interbank Payments System
CIBIL: Credit Information Bureau of India Ltd
CIF: Cost, Insurance, Freight
CII: Confederation of Indian Industries
CLB: Company Law Board
CLF: Collateralised Lending Facility
CMA: Collateral Management Agreement
CMS: Cash Management Services
CNP: Card Not Present
CO: Capital Outlay
CORE: Centralised Online Real-time Exchange
CP: Commercial Paper
CPI: Consumer Price Index
CPs: Commercial Papers
CR: Capital Receipts
CRA: Credit Risk Assessment
CRAR: Capital to Risk Weighted Asset Ratio
CRD: Cash Ratio Deposit
CRISIL: Credit Rating and Information Services of India Limited
CRM: Customer Relationship Management
CRMT: Credit Risk Mitigation Techniques
CRO: Chief Risk Officer
CRR: Cash Reserve Ratio
CSGLA: Constituent’s Subsidiary General Ledger Account
CSIR: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research
CSO: Central Statistical Organisation
CWC: Central Warehousing Corporation

DA: Deliverable Against Acceptance
DBOD: Department of Banking Operations and Development
DBS: Department of Banking Supervision, RBI
DCA: Department of Company Affairs
DCB: Demand Collection and Balance
DCCB: District Central Cooperative Banks
DCM: Department of Currency Management, RBI
DCP: District Credit Plan
DD: Demand Draft
DDM: District Development Manager
DDS: Data Dissemination Standards
DEIO: Department of External Investments and Operations
DESACS: Department of Statistical Analysis & Computer Services, RBI
DFI: Development Financial Institutions
DFID: Department for International Development
DGBA: Department of Government and Bank Accounts, RBI
DGCI&S: Directorate General of Commercial Intelligence and Statistics
DICGC: Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation of India
DID: Discharge of Internal Debt
DIR: Differential Interest Rate
DMA: Departmentalised Ministries Account
DNPD: Derivatives and New Products Departments
DPG: Deferred Payment Guarantee
DPN: Derivative Usance Promissory Note
DPs: Depository Participants
DRI: Differential Rate of Interest Scheme
DRI: Beneficiaries of Differential Interest rate
DRT: Debt Recovery Tribunals
DSA: Direct Selling Agent
DSBB: Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board
DSCR: Debt Service Coverage Ratio
DTA: Domestic Tariff Area
DTAA: Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
DVP: Delivery Versus Payment
DWCRA: Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas

ECB: European Central Bank
ECB: External Commercial Borrowing
ECGC: Export Credit and Guarantee Corporation
ECS: Electronic Clearing Scheme
ED: Enforcement Directorate
EDMU: External Debt Management Unit
EEA: Exchange Equalisation Account
EEC: European Economic Community
EEFC: Exchange Earners Foreign Currency
EEFCA: Exchange Earner’s Foreign Currency Account
EFR: Exchange Fluctuation Reserve
EFSF: Eurozone Financial Stability Facility
EFT: Electronic Funds Transfer
EFTA: European Free Trade Association
EFTPOS: Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale
EMI: Equated Monthly Installment
EMI: Equated Monthly Instalment
EPF: Employees Provident Fund
EPS: Earnings Per Share
ERP: Enterprise Resource Planning
ETFs: Exchange Traded Funds
EU: European Union
EXIM Bank: Export Import Bank of India

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation
FATF: Financial Action Task Force
FCA: Foreign Currency Assets
FCCB: Foreign Currency Convertible Bond
FCD: Fully Convertible Debentures
FCNR: Foreign Currency Non-resident
FCNRA: Foreign Currency Non-resident Account
FCNRD: Foreign Currency Non-Repatriable Deposit
FCP: Farmers Club Programme
FCRA: Forward Contract Regulation Act
FD: Fixed deposit
FDI: Foreign Direct Investment
FDI: Foreign Direct Investment
FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
FEMA: Foreign Exchange Management Act
FERA: Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
FI: Financial Institution
FICCI: Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
FII: Foreign Institutional Investor
FIMMDA: Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India
FIP: Financial Inclusion Plan
FIs: Financial Institutions
FISIM: Financial Intermediation Services Indirectly Measured
FIU-IND: Financial Intelligence Unit-India
FLAS: Foreign Liabilities and Assets Survey.
FOB: Free-on-Board
FOF: Flow Of Funds
FPI: Foreign Portfolio Investment
FRA: Forward Rate Agreement
FRBM: Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act, 2003
FRNs: Floating Rate Notes
FRO: Foreigners Registration Officer
FRRO: Foreigners Regional Registration Officer
FSDC: Financial Stability and Development Council
FSS: Financial Software Systems
FTA: Free Trade Area
FTT: Foreign Travel Tax
FWG: First Working Group on Money

GAAP: Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
GAFTA: Greater Arab Free Trade Area
GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GDCF: Gross Domestic Capital Formation
GDP: Gross Domestic Product
GDR: Global Depository Receipts
GDs: Gross Domestic Savings
GFD: Gross Fiscal Deficit
GFS: Government Finance Statistics
GIC: General Insurance Corporation of India
GIPSA: General Insurance Public Sector Association
GLS: Generalised Least Squares
GNIE: Government Not Included Elsewhere
GNP: Gross National Product
GoI: Government of India
GPD: Gross Primary Deficit
G-Sec: Government Securities
GSLV: Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
GST: Goods and Services Tax
GSTPA: Global Straight Through Processing Association

HBO: Head of Branch Operations
HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation
HDFC: Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd
HFCs: Housing Finance Companies
HFT: Held For Trading
HFT: Held for Trading
HICP: Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices
HO: Head Office
HPFC: Himachal Pradesh Financial Corporation
HRD: Human Resources Development
HSBC: The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd
HTM: Held to Maturity
HUDCO: Housing and Urban Development Corporation
HUF: Hindu Undivided Family
HYVP: High Yielding Variety Programme

IA: Internal Audit:
IAF: Indirect Agriculture Finance
IAIS: Intensive Agricultural Insurance Scheme
IBA: Indian Banks’ Association
IBPC: Inter Bank Participation Certificate
IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
IBS: International Banking Statistics
ICAAP: Internal Capital Adequacy Assess-ment Process
ICAI: Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organi-sation
ICAR: Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICC: Integrated Circuit Card
ICDP: Intensive Cattle Development Programme
ICICI: Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India Limited
ICMR: Indian Council of Medical Research
ICRA: Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency
ICSID: International Centre for Settlement of Investment
IDB: India Development Bonds
IDBI: Industrial Development Bank of India
IDD: Industrial Development Department
IDFC: Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited
IDR: Indian Depository Receipt
IDRBT: Institute for Development and Research in Banking Technology
IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFC: International Finance Corporation
IFCI: Industrial Finance Corporation of India Limited
IFR: Investment Fluctuation Reserve
IFRS: International Financial Reporting Standard
IFS: International Financial Statistics
IFSC: Indian Financial System Code
IGLS: Iterative Generalised Least Squares
IIBI: Industrial Investment Bank of India Limited
IID: Integrated Infrastructural Development
IIP: Index of Industrial Production
IIP/InIP: International Investment Position
IIP: Index of Industrial Production
IMD: India Millennium Deposits
IMF: International Monetary Fund
IMPS: International Mobile Payment Services
INFINET: Indian Financial Network:
IOSCO: International Organisation of Securities Commission
IP: Interest Payment
IP: Internet Provider
IPG: Internet Payment Gateway
IPO: Initial Public Offering
IPSS: Integrated Payment and Settlement System
IRA: Individual Retirement Accounts
IRB: Internal Rating Based
IRBI: Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India
IRDA: Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority
IRDP: Integrated Rural Development Programme
IRQ: Industrial Reconstruction Corporation of India Limited
IRR: Internal Rate of Return
IRR: International Rate of Return
IRS: Interest Rate Swaps
ISDA: International Swaps and Derivative Association
ISIC: International Standard Industrial Classification
ISIN: International Securities Identifi-cation Number
ISO: International Standards Organisation
ITRS: International Transaction Reporting System
IVP: Indira Vikas Patra
IWGEDS: International Working Group on External Debt Statistics

JCB: Japan Credit Bureau
JLGs: Joint Liability Groups

KCC: Kisan Credit Card
KVP: Kisan Vikas Patra
KYC: Know Your Customer
KYC: Know Your Customer

LAF: Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LAF: Liquidity Adjustment Facility
LAMPS: Large-sized Adivasi Multipurpose Societies
LAN: Local Area Network
LAS: Loan & Advances by States
LBD: Land Development Bank
LBS: Locational Banking Statistics
LBS: Lead Bank Scheme
LC: Letter of Credit
LDC: Least Developed Country
LERMS: Liberalised Exchange Rate Management System
LETS: Local Exchange Trading Systems
LGD: Loss Given Default
LIBOR: London Interbank Offered Rate
LIC: Life Insurance Corporation of India
LLP: Limited Liability Partnership
LMM: Liquidity Management Module
LOC: Lines of Credit
LS: Level Shift
LT: Long Term
LTF: Long-Term Finance
LTO: Long Term Operation

M & As: Mergers & Acquisitions
M1: Narrow Money
M3: Broad Money
MAT: Minimum Alternate Tax
MBFC: Mutual Benefit Financial Company
MCA: Ministry of Company Affairs
MCR: Minimum Capital Requirement
MD: Market Discipline
ME: Merchant Establishments
MFIs: Micro-Financial Institutions
MIBOR: Mumbai Interbank Offered Rate
MICR: Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIGA: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MIGA: Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
MIRSD: Market Intermediaries Registration and Supervision Department
MIS: Management Information System
MLF: Micro Loan Factory
MMD: Money Market Deposits
MMDAs: Money Market Deposit Accounts
MMSE: Minimum Mean Squared Errors
MNBCs: Miscellaneous Non-Banking Companies
MODS: Multi-Option Deposit Scheme
MPBF: Maximum Permissible Bank Finance
MRD: Market Regulation Department
MRM: Monitoring and Review Mechanism
MRTP: Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices
MSF: Marginal Standing Facility
MSME: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise
MSS: Market Stabilisation Scheme
MTM: Mark-To-Market
MTNs: Medium-Term Notes

NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
NAC(LTO): National Agricultural Credit (Long Term Operation)
NACHA: National Automated Clearing House Association
NAFCUB: National Federation of Urban Cooperative Banks and Credit Societies
NAFED: National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement
NAIO: Non Administratively Independent Office
NAIRU: Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment
NAIS: National Agriculture Insurance Scheme
NAS: National Account Statistics
NASSCOM: National Association of Software and Services Companies
NAV: Net Asset Value
NBC: Non-Banking Companies
NBC: Net Bank Credit
NBFC: Non Banking Financial Companies
NBFCs: Non-Bank Financial Companies
NCAER : National Council of Applied Economic Research
NCC: National Clearing Cells
NCLT: National Company Law Tribunal
NCS: Network Computing System
NDA: Net Domestic Assets
NDC: Non-Dues Certificate
NDS: Negotiated Dealing System
NDTL: Net Demand and Time Liabilities
NEC: Not Elsewhere Classified
NEER: Nominal Effective Exchange Rate
NEFT: National Electronic Fund Transfer
NFA: Non-Foreign Exchange Assets
NFA: Net Foreign Assets
NFD: Net Fiscal Deficit
NGO: Non-Governmental Organization
NHB: National Housing Bank
NIA: Negotiable Instruments Act
NIC: National Industrial Classification
NIF: Note Issuance Facility
NII: Net Interest Income
NIM: Net Interest Margin
NNML: Net Non-Monetary Liabilities
NNP: Net National Product
NOF: Net Owned Funds
NOW: Negotiable Order of Withdrawal
NPAs: Non-Performing Assets
NPD: Net Primary Deficit
NPLM: Non-Performing Loan Management
NPRB: Net Primary Revenue Balance
NPS: Non-Priority Sector
NPV: Net Present Value
NR(E)RA: Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account
NR(NR)RA: Non-Resident (Non-Reparable) Rupee Account
NRE: Non-Resident External
NRE: Non-Resident (External) Rupee Account
NRG: Non-Resident Government
NRI: Non-Resident Indian
NRNR: Non-Resident Non-Repatriable Term Deposit Account
NRO: Non-Resident Ordinary Account
NRSR: Non-Resident (special) Rupee Account
NSC: National Statistical Commission
NSE: National Stock Exchange
NSIC: National Small Industries Corporation:
NSS: National Savings Scheme
NSSF: National Small Savings Fund
NSSO: National Sample Survey Organisation

OBC: Oriental Bank of Commerce
OBE: Off-balance Sheet Exposures
OBUs: Offshore Banking Units
OCB: Overseas Corporate Bodies
OCT: Operation Control Terminal
OD: Over Draft
ODA: Official Development Assistance
OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OECO: Organisation for Economic Co-operation
OFAC: Office for Foreign Assets Control
OFCs: Offshore Financial Centers
OFI: Other Financial Institutions
OLTAS: Online Tax Accounting System
OMO: Open Market Operations
ONGC: Oil and Natural Gas Commission
OPEC: Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSCB: Other Indian Scheduled Commercial Bank
OTC: Over-The-Counter
OTCEI: Over-The-Counter Exchange of India Limited
OTS: One-Time Settlement

PACF: Partial Auto-Correlation Function
PACS: Primary Agriculture Credit Societies
PACS: Primary Agricultural Credit Societies
PAN: Permanent Account Number
PBS: Projected Balance Sheet
PBT: Profit Before Tax
PC: Participation Certificate
PCA: Prompt Corrective Action
PCARDB: Primary Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
PCDs: Partly Convertible Debentures
PD: Primary Deficit
PD: Primary Dealer
PDAI: Primary Dealers Association of India
PDO: Public Debt Office
PDO-NDS: Public Debt Office-cum-Negotiated Dealing System
PDs: Primary Dealers
PES: Public Enterprises Survey
PF: Provident Fund
PFIs: Public Financial Institutions
PFS: Price Stabilisation Fund
PIN: Personal Identification Number
PIO: Persons of Indian Origin
PIO: People of Indian Origin
PKI: Public Key Infrastructure
PLIs: Prime Lending Institutions
PLP: Potential Linked Plan
PLR: Prime Lending Rate
PMEGP: Prime Minister’s Employment Generation Programme
PMLA: Prevention of Money Laundering Act
PMO: Primary Market Operations
PO: Principal Office
POA: Power of Attorney
POS: Point of Sale
PRB: Primary Revenue Balance
PSBs: Public Sector Banks
PSE: Public Sector Enterprises
PSFC: Post Shipment in Foreign Currency
PSR: Post Sanction Reporting
PTCs: Pass-Through Certificates
PUC: Paid Up Capital

QIB: Qualified Institutional Buyer
QIB: Qualified Institutional Buyers
QIP: Qualified Institutional Placement
QIS: Quantitative Impact Study
QRR: Quick Review Report

RAROC: Risk-Adjusted Return on Capital
RBI: Reserve Bank of India
RBS: Risk-Based Supervision
RCC: Risk Control and Compliance
RCF: Risk Capital Foundation
RCI: Refinance Corporation for Industry
RCTC: Risk Capital and Technology Corporation
RD: Revenue Deficit
RDBMS: Relational Database Management System
RE: Revenue Expenditure
REC: Rural Electrification Corporation
REER: Real Effective Exchange Rate
REPO: Repurchase Agreement
REPOS: Ready Forward Contracts
RFC: Residents Foreign Currency
RFID: Radio Frequency Identification
RIB: Resurgent India Bonds
RIDF: Rural Infrastructure Development Fund
RLA: Recoveries of Loans & Advances
RLC: Repayment of Loans to Centre
RLS: Retail Loan Schemes
RMC: Risk Management Committee
RMG: Risk Management Group
RML: Reverse Mortgage Loan
RNBCs: Residuary Non-Banking Companies
ROA: Return on Assets
ROC: Registration of Companies
ROE: Return on Equity
RPA: Rupee Payment Area
RPCD: Rural Planning and Credit Department, RBI
RR: Revenue Receipts
RRBs: Regional Rural Banks
RTGS: Real Time Gross Securities
RTGS: Real Time Gross Settlement
RTP: Reserve Tranche Position
RUF: Revolving Underwriting Facility
RWA: Risk Weighted Asset

SAARC: South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
SACs: Settlement Advisory Committees
SAFTA: South Asian Free Trade Agreement
SAM: Social Accounting Matrix
SAMIS: Strategic Asset Management Information System
SAPTA: South Asian Preferential Trade Agreement
SARFAES: Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial and Enforcement of Security Interest
SAS: Statistical Analysis System
SBI: State Bank of India
SCARDB: State Cooperative Agriculture and Rural Development Bank
SCB: State Cooperative Apex Bank
SCC: Selective Credit Control
SDDS: Special Data Dissemination Standards
SDR: Special Drawing Right
SDRS: Special Drawing Rights
SEBI: Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBI: Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBPs: Simplified Employee Benefit Plans
SEPUP: Self-Employment Programme for Urban Poor
SEU: Slightly Enriched Uranium
SEZs: Special Economic Zones
SFCs: State Financial Corporations
SFMS: Structured Financial Messaging Solution
SGSY: Swarnajayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojana
SHGs: Self-Help Groups
SICA: Sick Industrial Companies Act
SIDBI: Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDC: State Industrial Development Corporation
SIM: Subscriber Identity Module
SI-SPA: Systems Improvement Scheme under Special Project Agriculture
SJSRY: Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar Yojana
SLBC: State-level Banker’s Committee
SLR: Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SLRS: Scheme for Liberation & Rehabilitation of Scavengers
SME: Small and Medium Enterprises
SMG: Standing Monitoring Group
SNA: System of National Accounts
SOFA: Status of Force Agreement
SPNS: Shared Payment Network Systems
SPOM: Self-Programmable One-Chip Microcomputer
SPV: Special Purpose Vehicle
SRWTO: Small road & Water Transport Operators
SSI: Small-Scale Industries
SSIDC: State Small Industries Development Corporation
SSls: Small Scale Industries
SSSBEs: Small Scale Service & Business Enterprises
STF: Short-Term Finance
STP: Straight-Through Processing
STRIPS: Separate Registered Interest and Payment System
SWG: Second Working Group on Money
SWIFT: Social World Wide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SWIFT: Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication

TAD: Terminal Access Device
TAN: Transaction Number/Tax Deduction Account Number
T-Bills: Treasury Bills
TBs: Treasury Bills
TCS: Tata Consultancy Services
TDF: Technical Development Fund
TDICI: Technology Development and Information Company of India Limited
TDS: Tax Deduction at Sources
TIEA: Tax Information Exchange Agreement
TIN: Tax Information Network
TPDS: Targeted Public Distribution System
TR: Treasurer
TRAI: Telecom Regulatory Authority of India
TRIFED: Tribal Co-operative Marketing Development Federation
TRIPS: Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights
TT: Telegraphic Transfer

UBI: United Bank of India
UCB: Urban Cooperative Bank
UCN: Uniform Code Number
UCPDC: Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits
UDRS: Umpire Decision Review System
ULIP: Unit Linked Insurance Plan
UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
USD: US Dollars
UTI: Unit Trust of India

VaR: Value at Risk
VAT: Value Added Tax
VCFs: Venture Capital Funds
VCP: Village Credit Plan
VDIS: Voluntary Disclosure of Income Scheme
VRS: Voluntary Retirement scheme
VUB: Vseobecna Uverova Banks

WAN: Wide Area Network
WCDL: Working Capital Demand Loan
WCR: Working Capital Requirement
WGMS: Working Group on Money Supply
WHO: World Health Organisation
WMA: Ways and Means Advances
WOS: Wholly Owned Subsidiary
WPI: Wholesale Price Index
WSS: Weekly Statistical Supplement
WWW: World Wide Web

YTM: Yield to Maturity

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