
Sunday 5 February 2017

Computer MCQ 014

Computer MCQ 014

1.     You can use the tab key to________

        (A) move a cursor across the screen

        (B) indent a paragraph

        (C) move the cursor down the screen

        (D) Only 1) and 2)

        (E) None of these

2.     A string of eight Os and Is is called a________

        (A) megabyte

        (B) kilobyte

        (C) gigabyte

        (D) byte

        (E) None of these

3.     ________are symbols that represent any character or combination of characters.

        (A) Playing cards

        (B) Wildcards

        (C) Private keys

        (D) Public keys

        (E) None of these

4.     A word in a web page that, when clicked, opens another document.

        (A) anchor

        (B) hyperlink

        (C) reference

        (D) URL

        (E) None of these

5.     The________, also called the Web, contains billons of documents.

        (A) World Wide Web

        (B) HTTP

        (C) Webportal

        (D) domain

        (E) None of these

6.     A menu contains a list of________

        (A) commands

        (B) data

        (C) objects

        (D) reports

        (E) None of these

7.     Each ________ on a menu performs a specific action.

        (A) client

        (B) server

        (C) node

        (D) command

        (E) None of these

8.     To make a notebook act as a desktop model, the notebook can be connected to a________ which is connected to a monitor and other devices.

        (A) bay

        (B) docking station

        (C) port

        (D) network

        (E) None of these

9.     To print to find an individual item in a file immediately________

        1 ) SHIFT+P

        (B) CTRL+P

        (C) ALT+P

        (D) ESC+P

        (E) None of these

10.    The ability to find an individual item in a file immediately ________

        (A) file allocation table

        (B) directory

        (C) sequential access

        (D) direct access

        (E) None of these


1. D
2. D
3. B
4. B
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B
10. C


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