
Thursday 2 February 2017

Computer Abbreviations—P

Computer Abbreviations—P

P2P: Peer-To-Peer
PaaS: Platform as a Service
PAN: Personal Area Network
PAP: Password Authentication Protocol
PARC: Palo Alto Research Center
PATA: Parallel ATA
PBS: Portable Batch System
PC: Personal Computer
PCB: Printed Circuit Board
PCB: Process Control Block
PC DOS: Personal Computer Disc Operating System
PCI: Peripheral Component Interconnect
PCIe: PCI Express
PCL: Printer Command Language
PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCM: Pulse-Code Modulation
PCRE: Perl Compatible Regular Expressions
PD: Public Domain
PDA: Personal Digital Assistant
PDF: Portable Document Format
PDH: Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy
PDP: Programmed Data Processor
PE: Physical Extents
PERL: Practical Extraction and Reporting Language
PFA: Please Find Attachment
PG: Peripheral Gateway
PGA: Pin Grid Array
PGA: Programmable Gate Array
PGO: Profile-Guided Optimization
PGP: Pretty Good Privacy
PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
PIC: Peripheral Interface Controller
PIC: Programmable Interrupt Controller
PID: Proportional-Integral-Derivative
PID: Process ID
PIM: Personal Information Manager
PINE: Program for Internet News and Email
PIM: Platform Independent Model
PIO: Programmed Input/Output
PKCS: Public Key Cryptography Standards
PKI: Public Key Infrastructure
PLC: Power Line Communication
PLC: Programmable Logic Controller
PLD: Programmable Logic Device
PL/I: Programming Language One
PL/M: Programming Language for Microcomputers
PL/P: Programming Language for Prime
PLT: Power Line Telecommunications
PMM: POST Memory Manager
PNG: Portable Network Graphics
PnP: Plug-and-Play
PNRP: Peer Name Resolution Protocol
PoE: Power over Ethernet
POID: Persistent Object Identifier
POJO: Plain Old Java Object
POP: Point of Presence
POP3: Post Office Protocol v3
POSIX: Portable Operating System Interface, formerly IEEE-IX
POST: Power-On Self Test
PPC: PowerPC
PPI: Pixels Per Inch
PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol
PPPoE: PPP over Ethernet
PPTP: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
PR: Pull Request
PS: PostScript
PS/2: Personal System/2
PSA: Professional Services Automation
PSM: Platform Specific Model
PSU: Power Supply Unit
PSVI: Post-Schema-Validation Infoset
PTS-DOS: PhysTechSoft—Disk Operating System
PV: Physical Volume
PVG: Physical Volume Group
PVR: Personal Video Recorder
PXE: Preboot Execution Environment
PXI: PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation

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