
Wednesday 1 February 2017

Computer Abbreviations—F

Computer Abbreviations—F

FAP: FORTRAN Assembly Program
FASM: Flat ASseMbler
FAT: File Allocation Table
FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions
FBDIMM: Fully Buffered Dual Inline Memory Module
FC-AL: Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop
FCB: File Control Block
FCS: Frame Check Sequence
FDC: Floppy Disk Controller
FDS: Fedora Directory Server
FDD: Frequency-Division Duplexing
FDD : Floppy Disk Drive
FDDI: Fiber Distributed Data Interface
FDM: Frequency-Division Multiplexing
FDMA: Frequency-Division Multiple Access
FEC: Forward Error Correction
FEMB: Front-End Motherboard
FET: Field Effect Transistor
FHS: Filesystem Hierarchy Standard
FICON: FIber CONnectivity
FIFO: First In First Out
FIPS: Federal Information Processing Standards
FL: Function Level
FLAC: Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLOPS: FLoating-Point Operations Per Second
FLOSS: Free/Libre/Open Source Software
FMC: Fixed Mobile Convergence “Mobile UC or Unified Communications over Wireless”
FOLDOC: Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
FOSDEM: Free and Open source Software Developers’ European Meeting
FOSI: Formatted Output Specification Instance
FOSS: Free and Open Source Software
FP: Function Programming
FPGA: Field Programmable Gate Array
FPS: Floating Point Systems
FPU: Floating Point Unit
FRU: Field Replaceable Unit
FS: File System
FSB: Front Side Bus
fsck: File System Check
FSF: Free Software Foundation
FSM: Finite State Machine
FTTA: Fiber To The Antenna
FTTC: Fiber To The Curb
FTTH: Fiber To The Home
FTTP: Fiber To The Premises
FTP: File Transfer Protocol
FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name
FUD: Fear Uncertainty Doubt
FWS: Folding White Space
FXP: File eXchange Protocol
FYI: For Your Information
FVEK: Full Volume Encryption Key

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