
Friday 3 February 2017

Baby Facts

Baby Facts
1. A fetus acquires fingerprints at the age of three months.
2. A baby is born without kneecaps. They appear between age 2 and 6.
3. A baby’s head is one-quarter of it’s total length, but by age 25 will only be one-eighth of its total length.
4. A New born baby loses about half of its nerve cells before it is born.
5. A newborn baby has more than 26 billion cells.
6. A newborn babys brain grows almost 3 times as fast during the first year of life.
7. At just 12 weeks the human fetus can scowl and squint.
8. Babies are always born with blue eyes.
9. Babies are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood the number is reduced to 206.
10. Babies are born with pink lungs but they darken in color as we breathe in polluted air.
11. Babies are color blind when they are born, so they only see black and white.
12. Babies are, pound for pound, stronger than an ox.
13. Babies crawl an average of 200 Meters a day.
14. Babies recognize sounds while in mothers womb.
15. Babies start dreaming even before they’re born.
16. Before their first birthday, average babies will have dribbled 255 pints of saliva
17. By the time babies are two years old, they will have crawled 93 miles.
18. In the womb, the baby’s body is covered by a thin layer of hair but as soon as the baby is born it disappears.
19. It takes time for a newborn baby to learn to turn the pictures right side up, as it sees the world upside down in the beginning.
20. Male baby foreskin is often used as a skin graft for burn victims.
21. Most babies are born with blue eyes; exposure to UV light brings out their true color.
22. One in every 1000 babies is born with a tooth.
23. Newborns will cry out without tears for the first three to six weeks.
24. On average, the number of connections in the brain increases from 50 trillion to 1 quadrillion in a newborn during his first month of life.
25. A single human sperm contains the 37.5mb of male DNA required to create a human child. That means an average ejaculation sees the transfer of 1,500 terabytes of information.
26. Sperm containing the XY chromosomes to become a male can swim faster but not for as long as the female xx chromosomes.
27. During the first six weeks of life, there is no difference between the male and female embryo.
28. The ovaries of a female contain about 600,000 immature eggs at birth.
29. Every human spent about half an hour as a single cell
30. Human fetuses react to loud rock music by kicking.
31. Ovaries contain over 500,000 eggs, but only about 400 get the opportunity to create life.
32. Pregnancy in women lasts on average of about 270 days from the time of conception till birth.
33. The average life span of a sperm is about 36 hours.
34. The female body is capable of giving birth to 35 children in one lifetime.
35. The female egg cell is the largest cell in the human body. It is about 175 000 times heavier than the smallest cell, the male sperm cell.
36. The formation of your egg, and the half of your DNA that came from your mother, could be considered the very first moment of your existence. It happened before your mother was born. If your mother was 30 when she had you, then on your 18th birthday you were arguably over 48 years old.
37. The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest is the male sperm.
The three things pregnant women dream most of during their first trimester are frogs, worms and potted plants.

Children Facts
1. A childs ability to learn can increase or decrease by 25% or more depending on if the child grows up in a stimulating environment.
2. Children grow faster in the springtime.
3. Children have better sense of smell than adults.
4. Children have more sensitive ears than adults.
5. Children lose an average of 90 hairs per day, which increases to 120 by old age.
6. Reading aloud to children helps to stimulate brain development.

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