
Tuesday 24 January 2017

Inventor and Invention 004

Inventor and Invention 004

1.    Who invented the ‘Laser’?

        (A) Sir Frank Whittle
        (B) Fred Morrisson
        (C) T H Maiman
        (D) Dr Charles H Jones

2.    Which company invented the ‘transistor radio’?
        (A) Sony
        (B) Grunding
        (C) Panasonic
        (D) Telstra

3.    Who invented the ‘oral polio vaccine’?
        (A) Jonas Salk
        (B) Albert Sabin
        (C) Burkholder
        (D) Robert Kock

4.    Who invented the ‘Voice Mail’?
        (A) Gordon Mathews
        (B) Alexander Graham Bell
        (C) J A Fleming
        (D) V Paulsen

5.    Who is the father of ‘Cellular Phone’?
        (A) Linus Torvalds
        (B) Percy Lebaron Spencer
        (C) Fred Morrison
        (D) Martin Cooper

6.    Which among the following events occurred first?
        (A) John Logy Baird demonstrated first television
        (B) Alexander Fleming discovered pencillin
        (C) Telecast of talking pictures on television by BBC
        (D) Jonas E Salk developed first polio vaccine

7.    Who is known as the ‘Father of Geometry’?
        (A) Pythagoras
        (B) Euclid
        (C) Aristotle
        (D) Kepler

8.    Who introduced the use of artificial heart for surgery?
        (A) Christian Barnard
        (B) Michael de Bakey
        (C) Walton Lillehel
        (D) Denton Cooly

9.    Who built the first ‘modern motor car’?
        (A) Henry Ford
        (B) Karl Benz
        (C) Daimler
        (D) Henry Austin

10.    Who developed the first ‘automatic automobile’?
         (A) Goatleab Daimler
         (B) Henry Ford
         (C) Rudolf Diesel
         (D) Karl Benz
                 1. C          2. A          3. B         4. A         5. D

                 6. A          7. B          8. A         9. B         10. B


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