
Monday 23 January 2017

Inventor and Invention 003

Inventor and Invention 003

1.    ‘Bacteria’ was first discovered by

        (A) AV Leeuwenhoek

        (B) Robert Hooke

        (C) Robert Koch
        (D) Louis Pasteur

2.    Who discovered ‘North Pole’?
        (A) Amundson
        (B) Robert Peary
        (C) John Cobot
        (D) Captain Cook

3.    Who discovered ‘Cement’?
        (A) Agassit
        (B) Albertus Magnus
        (C) Joseph Aspdin
        (D) Janseen

4.    ‘X-Rays’ were discovered by
        (A) Becquerel
        (B) Roentgen
        (C) Marie Curie
        (D) Van Lue

5.    ‘Leprosy bacillus’ was invented by
        (A) Kock
        (B) Hansen
        (C) Fleming
        (D) Harvey                          

6.    Who invented ‘Optical Fibre’?
        (A) Samuel Cohen
        (B) Narinder Kapani
        (C) Percy L Spencer
        (D) TH Maimah

7.    Who invented ‘Radar’?
        (A) J H Van Tassel
        (B) Wilhelm K Roentgen
        (C) P T Farnsworth
        (D) A H Taylor and Leo C Young

8.    Who produced the first ‘Automobile’?
        (A) Gottleib Daimler
        (B) Henry Ford
        (C) Rudolf Diesel
        (D) Karl Benz

9.    Who was associated with the creation of ‘Pentium Chip’?
        (A) Arun Netravalli
        (B) Sabeer Bhatia
        (C) C Kumar Patel
        (D) Vinod Dham

10.    Who invented the ‘Video tape’?
         (A) Richard James
         (B) Charles Ginsberg
         (C) P T Farnsworth
         (D) Georges de Mestral

11.    ‘Electron’ was discovered by
         (A) Ernest Rutherford
         (B) Max Plank
         (C) Joseph Thomson
         (D) Albert Einstein

12.    The first ‘thermionic value’ was invented by
         (A) Thomas Edison
         (B) Richardson
         (C) J A Flemming
         (D) Lee De Forest

13.    ‘Gunpowder’ was invented by
         (A) Roger Bacon
         (B) Colt
         (C) CV Raman
         (D) Dr Gatting

14.    For which invention is Otto Hahn famous?
         (A) Atom bomb
         (B) Television
         (C) X-rays
         (D) Miner’s safety lamp


                 1. A          2. B            3. C          4. B         5. A
                 6. B          7. D            8. D          9. D         10. B

                 11. C        12. C         13. B         14. A


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