
Saturday 21 January 2017

Inventor and Invention 001

Inventor and Invention 001

1.      Who invented ‘Pencillin’?

         (A) William Harvey

         (B) Louis Pasteur

         (C) Alexander Fleming
         (D) Edward Jenner

2.      Who invented ‘Aeroplane’?
         (A) Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright
         (B) Sir Frank Whittle
         (C) Michael Faraday
         (D) Chistian Huygens

3.      Who invented ‘Helicopter’?
         (A) Cockrell
         (B) Brequet
         (C) Otis
         (D) Frank Whittle

4.      Who discovered ‘Solar System’?
         (A) Newton
         (B) John Hadley
         (C) Copernicus
         (D) Galileo

5.      ‘Insulin’ was discovered by
         (A) F Banting
         (B) Edward Jenner
         (C) Ronald Ross
         (D) S A Wakesman

6.      Which of the following machines was designed by Charles Babbage?

         (A) Analytical engine
         (B) Arithmetic engine
         (C) Tabulating machine
         (D) Punched card

7.      Force of deflection was first discovered by
         (A) Coriolis
         (B) Ferral
         (C) Thornthwaite   
         (D) Koeppen

8.      Who is associated with the invention of ‘Nylon’?
         (A) Louis Pasteur
         (B) J Nicephore Niepce
         (C) John Corbutt
         (D) Dr Wallace H Carothers

9.      Who was the leader of the team that developed the ‘Web Browser’ known as ‘Mosaic’?
         (A) Marc Anderssen
         (B) Bob Kahn 
         (C) Paul Mockapetris
         (D) Tim Berners-Lee

10.    Who is the inventor of the ‘Web’?
         (A) Mike Sendall
         (B) Tim Berners-Lee
         (C) Bill Gates    
         (D) Ted Nelson


                 1. C            2.  a           3. B           4. C           5. A
                 6. A            7. B            8. A           9. A           10. B

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