Saturday 28 January 2017

Computer MCQ 007

Computer MCQ 007

1.     What provide expansion capability for a computer system?

        (A) Sockets

        (B) Slots

        (C) Bytes
        (D) Bays
        (E) None of these

2.     A(n) ________ allows sharing of a broadband Internet connection.
        (A) hub
        (B) adapter
        (C) router
        (D) switch
        (E) plug

3.     The clock rate of a processor is measured in ________ .
        (A) milliseconds
        (B) microhertz
        (C) megabytes or gigabytes
        (D) nanoseconds
        (E) megahertz or gigahertz

4.     A computer virus normally attaches itself to another computer program known as
        (A) Backdoor program
        (B) Target program
        (C) Trojan horse
        (D) Host program
        (E) Bluetooth

5.     Which of the following devices translate data and programs that humans can understand into a form that the computer can process?
        (A) Display
        (B) Input
        (C) Output
        (D) Pointer
        (E) None of these

6.     The amount of time required by a storage device to retrieve data and programs is its ________.
        (A) retrieval speed
        (B) capacity
        (C) memory
        (D) storage
        (E) access speed
7.     A 32-bit-word computer can access ________ bytes at a time.
        (A) 4
        (B) 8
        (C) 16
        (D) 32
        (E) 30

8.     A megabyte is actually equal to ________ kilobytes.
        (A) 100
        (B) 1000
        (C) 1024
        (D) 1024 × 1024
        (E) None of these

9.    The main memory of a computer must be large enough to contain the active parts of ________.
        (A) the operating system
        (B) the applications
        (C) input/output storage & working storage
        (D) All of these
        (E) None of these

10.   Which of the following types of memory improves processing by acting as a temporary high-speed holding area between the memory and the CPU?
        (A) RAM
        (B) ROM
        (C) Cache memory
        (D) Flash memory
        (E) EPROM


   1. A           2. C          3. E         4. C           5. E

   6. A           7. D          8. C         9. B         10. C


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